Showing posts with label Cool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cool. Show all posts

3 Sept 2024

Lakeview Cabin Collection PS5 Review 8.5/10 “A Love Letter To Classic Horror” ๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿš️ #indieGame #IndieGameDev #GameDev

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Lakeview Cabin Collection PS5 Review
Friday the 13th, Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, all giant staples of the slasher genre. Large, masked angry men on a mission to gut mostly teenagers - but they are happy to brutalise pretty much anyone. 

Whilst watching one of these films we've all thought, ‘what a stupid man, don’t drop your weapon, and then go into the basement blindfolded after just having sex while telling everyone “I’ll be right back’, that's a great way to get killed! 

I would definitely know what to do if a hulking, masked, machete-wielding maniac appeared suddenly in my house, I’m super smart and would not panic, or give into my fear, I would 100 percent survive, and would wipe the floor with those stupid hulking maniacs.

30 Aug 2024

Just Crow Things Xbox Review 8/10 "Welcome to the Poopy Party" ๐Ÿฆ‍⬛ @UnboundCreation #IndieGame #IndieGameDev #GameDev

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Just Crow Things Xbox Review
I find real pleasure in diving into games that are suitable for all the family, especially those that have a humorous streak running through them. My three-year-old is a bit of a litmus test when it comes to the child-friendly titles I cover here at GF, and when Just Crow Things came on, he was intrigued, but when he found out there was a poop button? He was sold.

From Unbound Creations – the team behind Rain On Your Parade – Just Crow Things ostensibly casts you in the role of a young crow that is on a quest to get her sunglasses back from bullies, but the real meat of the game is just having fun and causing carnage throughout the game’s stages. 

16 Aug 2024

Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand Xbox Review 7.5 / 10 "Atlas falls, and rises again!" ⚔️ @Deck13_de @Focus_entmt #IndieGame #GameDev

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Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand Xbox Review
Atlas Fallen is the newest release from Deck13 - the team behind Lords of the Fallen and the Surge series – and, whilst it was initially released in 2023 to mixed reviews, this free update to the Reign of Sand edition aims to fix some key issues that affected the initial release, namely:

  • An expanded world
  • New enemies and challenges
  • Revamped progression
  • New quests
  • Reworked voice acting
  • Additional difficulty mode and a New Game+ mode

I didn’t cover the initial release and so can’t really do direct comparisons; and so I’ll review the Reign of Sand version of Atlas Fallen completely on its own merits.

15 Aug 2024

Fading Afternoon Nintendo Switch Review 7/10 "A powerful game… for some" ⛅️ @shin_yeo #IndieGameDev #GameDev #IndieGame

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Fading Afternoon Nintendo Switch Review
Fading Afternoon was an oddly tough game to review because its unique blend of genres - life simulation & 2D brawling – and its player-driven gameplay (as opposed to narratively driven) can lead to a sense of aimless meandering as much as it can seem a deep and powerful experience.

Unfortunately, whilst I can see that this was a real underdog gem for some, I didn’t connect with the game in the same way some folks did, which was a shame. That said, I still found Fading Afternoon to be a memorable experience, clearly created by a developer that follows their vision, which is always something that I appreciate and fully support.

12 Aug 2024

Retro Revengers Xbox Review 7/10 "Retro Revenge is Sweet" ๐Ÿ•น️ @shinyuden @RatalaikaGames #IndieGame #IndieGameDev #GameDev

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Retro Revengers Xbox Review
A short and snappy title that harks back to 8-bit platformers. Retro Revengers has a modern twist mainly through the narrative, and whilst it is a very brief title at around an hour or two, this brevity is what keeps the gameplay and somewhat snarky story fresh up to the end.

7 Aug 2024

Over Horizon X Steel Empire Nintendo Switch Review 7/10 "An MD Fave Returns!" ๐Ÿ’ฅ☄️ @ININ_Games #Retrogaming

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Ratalaika appear to have burrowed into my mind over the last couple of years and unearthed Mega Drive memories with which to delight me, as last year they re-released Gynoug and now they’ve turned their sights towards Steel Empire. 

What I’m enjoying about these is that whilst these aren’t super-rare, import-only hidden gems, they are games that were somewhat underdogs and may have been initially missed by fans of Sega’s 16-bit system – they are also games that hold up incredibly well today, and it’s great that modern audiences now have the chance to discover them – or rediscover them, as the case may be.

6 Aug 2024

Project 13 PS5 Review 7/10 “Has that plant always been there?” ๐Ÿชด @DRYBREAD_games #IndieGame #IndieGameDev #GameDev

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Project 13 PS5 Review
I’ve never had an easier time describing a game as I have with Project 13 - you are in an asylum and by ‘an asylum’ I mean ‘one corridor within it’, which you walk down again, and again, and again and again…you get the drift. But, each time something may change and it’s your job to find out what. 

There are 35 anomalies which can range from the obvious to quite subtle, so you have to examine the corridor with a fine-tooth comb. If you spot an anomaly, you have to pull down a lever and start again, simple. 

Except, every time you get it correct a counter raises - get to 13? You've escaped, and are rewarded with freedom, get one wrong and the counter resets back to 0… and you start back over, that’s right, 13 anomalies in a row, or that comb is coming back out! 

30 Jul 2024

Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III Xbox Review 8/10 "Twirl that parasol!" ⛱️ #Retrogaming

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Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III  Xbox Review 8/10
Released by Taito in 1991, Parasol Stars - the sequel to Bubble Bobble (1986), and Rainbow Islands (1987)– stuck closer to the formula of the original with single-screen action, this time with brighter visuals, larger sprites, and advanced audio – and yes, the soundtrack is absolutely as much of an earworm as the original!

25 Jul 2024

Abathor Nintendo Switch Review 8.5/10 "A golden throwback to 16-bit co-op classics" ⚔️ @Abathor_Game @JanduSoft

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Abathor Nintendo Switch Review
I’ve covered hundreds of games during my time at The Might GF, and some can pop up seemingly out of nowhere and blow me away, some can be stewing for months and months, as I hungrily follow every dev post on social media, my appetite whetting ever further...and then the final game gets slopped on the floor in front of me in a steaming mess, leaving me smoking enigmatically up at the night sky, wondering what could have been as Bohren & Der Club of Gore play sexily in the background, the minimalist jazz soundtrack to my burgeoning disappointment.

Sometimes, though – I’ll stumble across a game that looks funky – like Abathor – and each tease or online trailer will have me adjusting my tie as steam comically toots through my collar. Good. 

From the early days of its inception, developer Pow Pixel Games promised to deliver us a throwback platformer, and by Jove, did they ever!

23 Jul 2024

Crow Country XBOX Review 7.5/10 "A throwback survival horror with narrative depth" ๐Ÿฆ‍⬛๐ŸŒŽ @SFBTom @SFBDim #GameDev #IndieGame

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Crow Country XBOX Review
I’ve enjoyed the recent spate of games harking back to the visual style of the PS1 – albeit with the juddering, flat polygons and tedious loading screens removed – as it’s not only a style that feels as yet pretty un-mined but is also rich with nostalgia – as well as being suited to lo-fi horror with the low polygon vibes setting the imagination alight. 

With this in mind, getting my hands on Crow Country was a delight, and the fact that the game offers two primary modes – one more combat-centric, whilst the other eschews combat in turn of a more story-based approach – made the game even more appealing, due to its openness and accessibility for players who enjoy both styles.
Crow Country XBOX Review
The year is 1990, and we are introduced to the protagonist of the story - Mara Forest – approaching a seemingly abandoned amusement park called Crow Country, she claims to be a special agent with memory issues, and is determined to locate the missing owner of Crow Country… Edward Crow – for unknown reasons. 

What follows is a solid and intriguing few hours of pretty classic gameplay, in that you’ll find yourself scavenging for ammo, reading lots of lore, and working your way through both environmental and inventory-based puzzles. 
Crow Country XBOX Review
Whilst the crunchy polygons and incredible aural atmosphere (courtesy of composer Ockeroid) carry the game pretty far, as the combat and puzzles get a bit tired, it’s the narrative that will hook you through to the games’ end. 

That said, if you want the ability to play at a more leisurely pace, the aforementioned ability to remove the combat gives a breezier approach, leaving you to fully focus on the atmosphere and unfolding, twisting story. Don’t worry, there’ll still be some scares!
Crow Country XBOX Review
A tasty PS1-esque survival horror title with a far more engaging and involved narrative than you’d expect, SFB Games have come out swinging with this, and for lovers of vintage survival horror, it’s time to get a ticket to Crow Country.

19 Jul 2024

Justice League: Cosmic Chaos Xbox Review 7.5/10 "A fun, family-friendly title with surprisingly cool music" ๐Ÿฆ‡ @PHLCollective @Outright_Games #GameDev #IndieGame

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Justice League: Cosmic Chaos Xbox Review
As a fan of Batman in most of his incarnations through the decades, I’ve always leaned towards the darker interpretations of his character. That said, as the father of a young boy just discovering video games, the fact that I can get hips deep into some Diedrich Bader-voiced Batman action aimed at a younger audience is very, very fine indeed with me.

The story here is that life in Happy Harbor is turned upside-down by Mr. Mxyzplk, who usurps the current Mayor of the town by using Starro’s mind control powers to take control of members of the Justice League, leaving Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman – with a little help from some very super friends – to restore order to the idyllic town.

17 Jul 2024

RoboCop: Rogue City PS5 Review 8/10 "Oh, how I miss squibs!" ๐Ÿค– @TeyonGames #IndieGame #GameDev

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Robocop Rogue City PS5 Review
Oh, how I miss squibs. These days action movies simulate blood splatter from gunshots with CGI and, while now relatively convincing, it just doesn’t have the same visceral impact as detonating a small bag of fake blood. 

RoboCop: Rogue City developer Teyon clearly feels the same way. This is a game almost entirely about blasting sneering criminals with high-powered weaponry and every thumping shot sends beautiful fountains of the red stuff spiralling through the air and onto the scenery. If this somehow isn’t enough, the game offers a “More Gore” weapon upgrade to truly paint the town red. Paul Verhoeven would be proud.

10 Jul 2024

Vera Blanc: Supernatural Mysteries Xbox Review 7/10 "Werewolves and Ghosts, oh my!" ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ‘ป @RatalaikaGames #IndieGames #GameDev

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Vera Blanc: Supernatural Mysteries Xbox Review
A pair of titles featuring intrepid supernatural investigators Vera Blanc and Brendan Mackey, Vera Blanc: Supernatural Mysteries centres around Ms Blanc, who – following a rather intense operation on her brain – is able to read the thoughts of others. 

Originally released in 2010, the games are mostly light visual novels with a very cool graphic novel art style, the core gameplay comes from multiple choice events – that can lead to instant deaths, so save often – and the optional word based / spot the difference puzzles that can be turned on and off with each play though, should you want a touch more interaction.
Vera Blanc: Supernatural Mysteries Xbox Review
The characters are well-sketched without the game being too onerous with the text, and each tale moves along at a fair pace, with minimal audio work to add to the rising tensions. 

Whilst I preferred the first game in the series - as I am a sucker for werewolves – both are fun to get through, although the ghost story slightly alters the visuals and feels less exciting than the Bavarian werewolf adventure. 
Vera Blanc: Supernatural Mysteries Xbox Review
A bargain at the current price point and a solid evening’s entertainment (each case takes 1-2 hours to complete), Vera Blanc: Supernatural Mysteries won’t tickle your grey matter, but it might just raise the hairs on your neck!

Purchase Link:

8 Jul 2024

Crime Boss: Rockay City (2024) XSX Review 7/10 "A kick-ass cast in a game that once got its ass kicked" ๐Ÿ’ฅ @ingame_studios @505_Games #IndieGame #GameDev

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Crime Boss: Rockay City (2024) XSX Review
Upon its initial release in 2023, Crime Boss: Rockay City had a rough old time, with cutting reviews across the board. We didn’t cover it at the time here at GF, but as someone who grew up watching this – quite incredible – cast of actors in myriad movies over the decades, it was always on my mind, and I was intrigued as to how the game appeared to be such a misfire.

Fast forward a year and the game gets a massive overhaul for its Steam release. DLC is now included for free - and the developers have fixed a lot of the more glaring issues that plagued the game upon its initial release.

How does it fare in 2024? it’s a lot of fun, but the repetition at the heart of the game is hard to ignore.

2 Jul 2024

The Glass Staircase PS5 Review 7.5/10 “Mind The Step” ๐Ÿš️ @PuppetCombo #IndieGame #GameDev

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The Glass Staircase PS5 Review
Puppet Combo was a revelation for me in 2023, I loved everything that they put out and had such joy playing them. Stay Out of the House was one of my games of the year, Christmas Massacre was an absolute delight and  it remains one of my favourite games, the talking Christmas tree brings a smile to my face every time I think about it, which - come December - will probably be a lot, but The Glass Staircase doesn't quite hit the highs of these games, it is still worth playing but I didn’t get the warm, dark-bloodstained, fuzzy feeling that the Puppet Combo releases usually produce.

26 Jun 2024

Echo Generation: Midnight Edition Nintendo Switch Review 8/10 "Slightly Stranger Things" ๐Ÿช“๐Ÿงข @cococucumberco #IndieGame #GameDev

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Echo Generation: Midnight Edition Nintendo Switch Review

As a person who eschews the Savalas* and instead prefers movies, I’ve been spared the all-encompassing phenomenon that was Stranger Things and so the following tidal wave of ‘80s-tastic follow-ups very much didn’t pop up on my viewing radar, in fact – it’s been more through reviewing vinyl like the absolutely stunning Kingdom Eighties: Summer of Greed that the wave of ‘kids n’ kooky’ has trickled gently over my feet.

Not that I have an issue with it at all, my point is purely that I’m not burned out on it like I know others are. I am burned out on anime style visuals, however. Voxels - I continue to inhale as much as possible.

25 Jun 2024

Death and Taxes PS5 Review 8/10 “Only two things in life are certain” ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ“ @PlaceholderGW #IndieGame #GameDev

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Death and Taxes PS5 Review
Have you ever been envious of the Grim Reapers job? walking around with a big scythe, getting to meet a lot of interesting - before taking their souls? sounds like a great job! Sadly, just like most jobs in the modern age it’s now a desk job with lots of bureaucracy - and no big scythes.

13 Jun 2024

Horizon Chase 2 Xbox Review 8/10 "Why did the frog cross the road?" ๐Ÿธ๐ŸŽ️ @HorizonChase #IndieGame #GameDev

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Horizon chase 2 Xbox Review
Why did the frog cross the road? 

One of the oldest questions never asked, perhaps because everyone’s talking about that damn chicken. And I’m not about to answer that question as this is not Amphibian Psychology 101. I’m here to talk about HOW the frog crossed the road and how this (loosely) relates to Horizon Chase 2, new to Xbox.

11 Jun 2024

Little Kitty, Big City XSX Review 7.5/10 "The purr-fect game to play with kids" ๐Ÿ˜ธ ๐Ÿ™️ @LittleKittyGame #IndieGame #GameDev

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Little Kitty, Big City XSX Review
It’s an interesting time in our household, as we have a three year old son who is just getting his feet wet in terms of gaming. I always keep an eye out for suitable releases to enjoy with him, and when we received the press release for Little Kitty, Big City, my dad-gaming eyes lit up. What we ended up enjoying was a wonderfully cute, fun game that wasn’t without its flaws, but the charm and family factor shines through, meaning that you’ll have a great time if you approach little Kitty, Big City with an open and curious mind...much like a kitten, in fact.

Little Kitty, Big City begins as very much a story of highs and lows, there you are – sunning yourself on your owner’s balcony when disaster strikes and you find yourself falling to street level, many floors below. Your quest? To get back to your favourite napping spot!

7 Jun 2024

Loretta Xbox Series X Review 8/10 “Spiralling Down” ☠️๐Ÿถ @yabutuzoff #IndieGame #GameDev

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Loretta Xbox Series X Review
Set in 1947, you control Loretta - a housewife who has murdered her husband, having finally had enough of his drinking, gambling, cheating ways - and decided to take matters into her own hands.

The game opens with a detective investigating his disappearance, he has come to question Loretta and have a look around the farm and it is here where we gain control of the titular character.

Early on you are presented with the choices that will shape her fate, I made the decision to try and poison the detective and… well… let’s just say it ‘didn’t go well’.

Throughout your time with this game you will get the chance to make important decisions such as should you higher your kill count or resist your murderous temptations and see if you can break free, and escape your current predicament.

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