

☆ The Games Freezer Retro Gaming Directory ☆ #Retrogaming

When I first started to delve into the retro gaming video games subculture I was eager to search for the websites and blogs to visit as well as the people to follow on Social Media.

I wanted to seek out the cream of the crop so as I could learn as much about the scene as possible as well as gaining ideas in order to launch my beloved Games Freezer Blog.


☆ My SNES Mini Wishlist Video Is Now LIVE On YOUTUBE! ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

The Games Freezer SNES MINI Wishlist Video Is Now LIVE On YOUTUBE!

If You Get A Moment Then Go & Take A Look (take two looks if you want)

☆ Which Console Was Code-named Dolphin? ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

After listening to the Bombcast podcast recently my memory was jogged on the subject of codenames for consoles before they were released to the general public.
Whenever we were privy to information on a new console pre-release it would be contained within the pages of CVG or Mean Machines and it may be referred to with an artists impression of what it would look like.
My memory was of these mysterious names that were associated with these 'next generation' consoles.
I've done some digging and have found a fair few of these names but maybe some are not as glamorous as I remember….


☆ The UK's Video Game Market is BACK! ☆ #RetroGaming

The UK's biggest market style event dedicated to video gaming is back and takes place in just under two weeks!


☆ 2017 "The Year Of Video Game Emulation?" ☆

Emulation of video games over the last 3 years seems to have come from the shadows of gaming into the mainstream in a big way.

When I started this site in 2013, emulation was a dirty word only spoken about in hushed tones within a dark corner of a gamers forum on the internet.

Now fast forward to 2017 and one of the biggest and oldest video games companies in the world has brought a dedicated emulation machine in the form of the NES Mini Classic.


🎰 Could This Become A Video Game? 🎰

Sometimes you look at a TV show and instantly you think “Wow! That would make an awesome video game!”

Often the reality is that a developer picks up the rights to do the game and makes a complete hash of it even though the source material is top-notch.

My list below has 8 TV shows listed that could still inspire the creation of a brand new video game either retro-styled or right up to date.

Take a look and see what YOU think of this list of awesome TV shows that totally need a good video game.

☆ Gaming Memories: Sarahsharkbait And The Power Of Video Games ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

This week we are happy to welcome you to another Friend Of The Freezer and their very own video games memories story to share with us all.

Say hello to Sarah (Sarahssharkbait) from

Today Sarah will tell us the story of how video games have always been in her life and how it has helped her through difficult times.

☆ Goonies Meets X Files, Meets Stephen King's IT! ☆

It’s a Thursday morning and I’m cold to the bone. I’m walking to the train station to begin my journey into work and I enter the train carriage feeling like I need something to warm my soul.

As I find a space on the packed commuter carriage I pull out my phone and begin to listen to the Giant Bombcast to cheer my way into Thursday with a mix of chat and video games. 

Just as I begin to smile I realise I have something special that I NEED to watch on Netflix…..


☆ Review: "So grab your mouse, round up the mob, it's time to play OKHLOS OMEGA!" ☆ #GameDev

On February 6th, Coffee Powered Machine released their largest update since their initial release back in August 2016. The update was so big that they aptly renamed the game Okhlos: Omega. This is truly a well-done mobocracy gaming experience that leaves those with control issues foaming at the mouth for more yet not quite satisfying the true nature of complete control.  
So grab your mouse, round up the mob, and prepare to take down soldiers and Gods alike as you leave a wake of destruction in your path and a furrowed brow.


☆Review: Miniclip's First Ever Console Release Hits With MX Nitro ☆ #GameDev

MX Nitro - PS4

Miniclip, a company most well-known for browser-based Flash games and, more recently, mobile games have decided to take on the console gaming market with their first release to the platform, MX Nitro.

So how has it turned out?

Well, I got my hands on it for the PS4 to review so here we go..

☆ What's On YOUR SNES Mini Wishlist? ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

The NES Mini got a lot of Nintendo fans excited last year as Nintendo launched a mini retro marvel to the world packed with 30 fan favourite games.

The stampede to pre-order was audible and the excitement created was tangible.
As someone who loves the retro gaming scene, this was a brilliant concept and I loved the discussion it promoted around the re-living of those golden days of the Nintendo Entertainment System.


☆Review: "Visit the land of ‘Hogswart’ (I didn’t make that up)" ☆ #GameDev


Made by ManaVoid Entertainment, it was funded on Kickstarter, it met CA$ 37,933 of its CA$ 35,000 goal, with it reaching the goal in November of 2014. 

Two years on, in December of 2016, 1.0 was released on Steam, with a Mac port released only on the 13th February.

Does it meet the standards of what they themselves set? 

An epic adventure with many twists and turns, based on an enthralling fusion of two genres?


☆ Mobile Game Of The Day - Gunblazer - Inspired By Galaga & Xenon..... ☆ #Retrogaming

Gunblazer is a retro arcade shoot em up inspired by classic Galaga, Xenon, etc.

Your mission is to destroy the waves of incoming alien ships and kill their MASTER BRAIN leader. 

☆ Peasants Quest Will Brighten Up Your Day...☆ #Retrogaming

Have You Got A Spare Moment On This Friday Afternoon?

☆ Retroblox Is One Pretty Looking Console... ☆ #Retrogaming

Something that we haven't covered yet on Games Freezer is the exciting new retroblox Kickstarter campaign! 

The images of this new modular machine have stirred up a lot of excitement in The Freezer and I thought it would be a good idea to share the official press release....

Let Me Know Your Thoughts On This Cool New Machine.............

☆ Exciting News For All NEO GEO Fans ☆ #Retrogaming #NeoGeo

I've just received some awesome news from BITMAP BOOKS relating to their next exciting retro gaming book.....

It's going to be a Neo Geo Art Book! 

Neo Geo has it's own beautiful art style that is both unique and beautiful, you can truly tell a Neo Geo Game apart from all other systems due to it's lovely brighty chunky sprites that bring so much character to the video games.

Read On For More Info Directly From Bitmap Books................


☆ GameBlast17 - Gamers Changing Lives 24-26 FEB 2017 ☆ #GameBlast17 #GamersUnite

It’s not long now until GameBlast 17 kicks off! 

And I for one can’t wait for this brilliant video games fundraising event gets underway. 


☆ HAMA Bead Pixel Art Is So Cool! ☆ #Retrogaming #PixelArt #GamersUnite

When it comes to HAMA Beads and Bead art I have been an admirer from afar for a while now.

I always loved the sight of fellow gamers creating well-known sprites from well-known video games.


☆ Pang Man Part 25: Cool Video Game Places: “The Kirby Café”- a missed opportunity! ☆ #GamersUnite

C:\Users\J\Pictures\TOKYO NOV 2016\GAMEBAR A BUTTON\IMG_0380.JPG
On my final day in Tokyo, I was feeling a bit peckish and so I decided to see if any gaming related restaurants were nearby. After a bit of digging, I found the perfect place to eat.

It was an official Kirby-themed restaurant called the Kirby Café which looked amazing.


🕹️🎮 17 Reasons to Let Your Kids Play Video Games 🕹️🎮 #GamersUnite

We all know that video games are a lot of fun, especially when we play them with our kids.
But did you ever feel a twinge of guilt letting your kids play video games, maybe thinking in the back of your mind that you weren’t doing them any good?


☆ The Deep Freeze Number 1 (Jan 2017) – Getting To Know The Games Freezer Staff! ☆ #GamersUnite

One of the things I loved about the gaming magazines of old is that the writing staff weren’t just nameless, faceless souls.  They felt like real people, people you could hang out and play video games with or share a beer with.
The 1st Magazine that really did this for me was the legendary Mean Machines.
How did they do this you might ask?