29 Sept 2014

☆ The Game Is Now Over....... ☆ #TLOU #GamersUnite

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Having played possibly the finest video games ever made in it's entirety what is my final thoughts on this triumph of a creation?

Well let me take a seat and let you know what my closing thoughts are.....

THE LAST OF US was a game that I felt that I had to play...

It was indeed my duty to make sure that, as a gamer, I played it.....

The decision making process to purchase it was an interesting one as I searched eBay for a cheap secondhand copy.....

I would visit eBay on a daily occurrenece to snare me a bargain....but as with all the greatest games TLOU held it's price and oddly it was this that truly convinved me that TLOU must be immense as the demand to purchase it at a decent price was still there....

Then I saw a really good deal in TESCO where they had it brand new for around £25....I thought, that's it....i'm going to buy this beauty brand new....or at least that's what I thought

TESCO sold out of the game almost immediately!

This really made me sit up and listen (if I wasn't already doing so!!)

It was at this point that I needed the game NOW!!

So I took a big step in my gaming career by visiting PlayStation Network and downloading my first full game download for around £29....

I was a happy man as I thought to myself how I would be playing the game in just a couple of hours....

It was at this point I forget how crap my internet connection actually is as it took around 2days to download!! 

Although looking back, this further heightened my sense of anticipation as after 2 full days of downloading, I finally got to play The Last Of Us!!

I can tell you right now, that wait was well worth it.

The game connected with me in numerous ways and had me along for the ride from minute one. There was all sorts of emotional parts to this game that I truly never thought would be able to be conveyed in a mainstream game....Naughty Dog hit every key part of the game in a pitch perfect manner and created the perfect game.

It was the kind of game that we as gamers have always wanted to play, but never thought possible. I can't convey enough how great this game is.

I never wanted it to end and yet I just wanted to see and discover the next part ..... one more half hour ...... one more piece of the story.....like I say, the game got me from the start....

I don't like putting spoilers into my games writing and I wont here, but the TLOU ending had me not knowing what was going to happen next and that was the case right up until the very closing scene...

When I started playing the game, I thought in my head I had it sussed how this was going to pan out and yet I was wrong....

That's the key to the game. It works as a great video game and a great story that is worthy of live performance. 

Once completed, I felt a bit hollow as I wanted to know more, I wanted to understand more about the characters and what had just happened, but knew that I wasn't going to get that ..... 

BUT to my delight I remembered there was always the the DLC for TLOU entitled "LEFT BEHIND"

For anyone who is yet to play LEFT BEHIND.....do it now! It's an awesome add on to the main story which delves into Ellie's relationship with her best friend prior to the events of the main game. It's short at around 2 - 3 hours long, but it is well worth it, especially if you were as enamoured with the game as I was!

So....what happens now?

Well the following for me will no doubt happen.....

  1. Constant checking of Naughty Dog for any news on a sequel...
  2. Watching all the YOU TUBE videos I can find on the making of TLOU
  3. Try and work out what video game has got any chance if any of following that.... I expect it will be an anticlimax after the awesomeness of THE LAST OF US!
Let Me Know YOUR Thoughts On TLOU....

What Improvements Or Additions Would YOU Make To A TLOU Sequel?

What Parts Did YOU Not Like?

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