
☆ The Games Freezer 10 Links Video Games Roundup "Part II" ☆ #GamersUnite #RetroGaming @loopthegame @my_nameis_dan @RogueBrothers

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Retrogaming, Kickstarter, Pixel art, Video Games

Hey Freezer Followers!

It's Thursday (the new Friday) and we thought we'd treat you to 10 of the coolest video games related things to look at that we found nestled in the Games Freezer inbox....

These are the things that we've collected like Magpies over the last few months....

It's a mix of cool websites, videos, Kickstarters and new games for you to peruse....

So kick back and take a look at all this goodness we've compiled JUST FOR YOU!!


First up is a cool "Zen-Like" video game called LOOP created by John Cullen for PC, Mac and Linux.

Loop has a minimalist UI with no score or timer systems. John did this to create a meditative zen feel where players can relax and concentrate on the puzzles without distraction.

A playable demo, video and screenshots are available at:


John is planning to release the full game in December 2014.

There will be 100 increasingly difficult levels.

It will be priced at $5 / £3.

A Kickstarter campaign for people who would like to support the development has been launched HERE

2. Raspberry Pi Gamer Retro Console

We love a good Pi based Kickstarter Project and this one had us salivating from day one......

Take a good look at it HERE it's a beauty and it's coming SOON!

3. Travels In Gaming Blog

We're supporting a fellow blogger by featuring this cool blog called:

"Travels In Gaming"

It's a great concept and we hope Dan sticks with it as the Blog design is great!

Read it HERE 

4. Retro Uprising

A great friendly community of Retro Gamers, if you love your Retrogaming then you have to visit this site!



Do YOU Like The Geekiest Stuff In The World Delivered To Your Door In A Nice Neat Package?

Well Get involved With BitBlokk TODAY!

Check It Out HERE

6. The RogueWare Project

Check out this cool site which showcases the indie games created by the Rogue Brothers.

We like their style!


7. Parkitect

Hands up who loves Theme Park?

It never left the Amiga disk drive once it was inserted, what a great game.....

That's why we are mega excited about Parkitect!

Take a look at the Kickstarter Campaign HERE

8. Warp Zone
Warp Zones Immense Range Of Retro Games Means YOU Just Gotta Stop By If You Are Looking For That All Important Game For Your Collection!

Take A Visit By Stopping By HERE

9. Pushing The Virual Divide "Gran Turismo Documentary"

Make sure YOU watch this cool Playstation Gran Turismo Documentary...very slick and very interesting....a must for Playstation / Gran Turismo lovers out there!


Number 10 is a bonus for you all ....

Here's 4 Great Pixel Art Sites For YOU To Visit And Drool Over.....


You Crazy Cats Have Got A Whole Days Entertainment Right There!!

Don't say we don't look after you cool cubes!!

Let Us Know What Your Favourite Link Is...

Retrogaming, Kickstarter, Pixel art, Video Games

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