Showing posts with label The Solus Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Solus Project. Show all posts


☆ Review: The Solus Project "Going Deeper Underground" ☆ #GameDev

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The Solus Project - PS4

As I tread carefully through a particularly claustrophobic cave system I begin to fear that I may become dehydrated any time soon as I can see my hydration levels drop. 

I then come across an opening area of the system and I breathe an audible sigh of relief as I spot the trickling water coming from the ceiling cracks. 

I hastily make a bee line for the water and take the time to refill my water bottle just in case I get caught short again on my next branch of exploration.

This is a typical spell of game-play in The Solus Project and it's the thing that keeps me playing to find out what is going on and how my character will fare at the end of this mission to report back my status to the mission control.


☆ Ten minute Taster - The Solus Project - PS4 ☆

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