
☆ Review: 911 Operator - *Whisky Tango, Charlie…and I’ll have a rum and coke* ☆

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The last Polish game I played was The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt which I played, or rather, inhaled for a solid month back in January. I recall something dawning on me whilst playing it, namely that I have always thoroughly enjoyed video games that come from Eastern Europe, there’s something about the mood of the landscape and the way of life in that area that the native game developers are able to channel into their video games. 

Whether it be multi-million-selling franchises such as the aforementioned Witcher series, underrated gems like S.TA.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl or flawed but fun games such as Hard Truck Apocalypse, Boiling Point and Planet Alcatraz (come on guys, translate the sequel for me!) the games always seem to have real character and a sense of boldness and personality.

I just wanted to say all of this so that you, the reader fully understands why I removed my trousers when I realised whilst reading the accompanying press kit that 911 Operator was developed in Warsaw. I clicked the install button with a Gary Busey grin.


☆ Say Hello To Mr Atari Himself, LORD ARSE! - Video Games Memories ☆ #Retrogaming @Lord_Arse

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Lord Arse is an international video games man of mystery and a retro gaming nut!

His Twitter account has over 100,000 Followers and he posts passionately on a daily basis all things Retro Gaming.

I've followed Mr Arse for a while now and I decided it was time to get to know the man underneath the Atari cap.

Here are some hard-hitting journalistic questions that I put to Lord Arse last week......enjoy some of Lord Arse's Video Games Memories!


☆ Review: Lil Tanks - “Just keep shooting” ☆ #GameDev #IndieGame

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Lil Tanks - PC

The story of Lil Tanks begins when an alien race known as The Cuur who invade earth with the intention of taking over. After quickly wiping out all of the earth’s armies and poisoning the atmosphere, the remaining remnants of humankind’s military set to work to fashion the only weapons capable of defeating the alien invaders. These weapons are called Lil Tanks. The reason why they’re named this is unclear as they don’t seem to be all that small.

In all honesty, it doesn’t really matter as the story of Lil Tanks is largely irrelevant.
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