29 Jul 2015

☆ The Second Coming ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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As I was making my way into work this morning I was just thinking how I hadn't heard too much of an update on the recreated Spectrum in a while and then lo and behold an update drops into the Games Freezer mail basket!

28 Jul 2015

☆ The Handheld That Almost Passed Me By.... ☆ #GamersUnite

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Having never been one to keep up with current trends in video games I tend to focus my efforts on obtaining the retro gaming systems from the past that I owned and loved or the ones that I wish I had owned.
More recently though I have been dabbling in looking out for more current consoles that are now available at super cheap prices.
One such console that I recently acquired fitted the super cheap bill perfectly and it's now something that I just can't put down…..

27 Jul 2015

☆ Was There Ever An A-Team Video Game? ☆ #GamersUnite #Retrogaming

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I'm a big fan of the A-Team (who isn't?!) I was just thinking today that I can't ever recall an A-Team video game.

You can imagine that there is plenty of potential with an A-Team game for a squad-based tactical shooter of some kind. 

You could have some RPG elements in there and some great potential storyline and side missions.

Imagine the fun you could have with modding the van with all sorts of cool add ons.

At this point, I did what everyone does in this situation and googled it......

This is what I found...

26 Jul 2015

☆ Talking About My Generation ☆ @bitmap_books @C64Reloaded @Spelpappan #Retrogaming #Commodore64 #GamersUnite

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Those cool cats at Bitmap Books are masters at producing the most awesome video games related books and now they are looking to make an english version of a Swedish book called Generation 64.

If you are a Commodore fan then read on.....

If you are not...........then READ ON anyway....you're going to love this book...

25 Jul 2015

☆ A Championship Manager Cult Legend Retires ☆ @90sfootball #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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Every version of Championship Manager always seemed to have that player that you just had to purchase but wasn't that well known and actually may not have been that well known but they proved to be the bedrock of any team that you built on the mighty CM.

One of those such players has now reached the end of his career and retires with a career in football that didn't quite live up to it's ratings and wonderkid status in Champ Manager!

His name is................

24 Jul 2015

☆ Beans Beans Good For Your Heart ☆ @kumobius @tcmg @zzymyn #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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Do you like your platform games to be old school?
Do you like to smile as you play?
Do you like to tap your foot as you play to brilliantly crafted retro platformer tunes?
Well, I think I've found the game for you………

22 Jul 2015

☆ Classic Console Magazine ☆ @cconsolemag #retrogaming #gamersunite

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My favourite retro gaming read at the moment has got to be Classic Console Magazine...This free magazine is full of retro gaming goodies and I thought i'd point you in the direction of where to grab this cool publication so you too can enjoy this monthly morsel of gaming goodness...

21 Jul 2015

☆ Silent But Violent ☆ @SilentAgeGame @houseonfiredk @u9i #Android #GameDev #GamersUnite

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I'm constantly looking for a game on Android that I can lose myself in for hours on end. It's been a quest for me since I was given my Nexus 7 for Christmas a couple of years back.
The thing is, it's pretty rare to find an Android game that can actually consume me for more than a few sittings.
So far the only games that I have truly immersed myself in on Android are:
  • The Walking Dead Season 1&2


  • Limbo
Until now that is……………….

20 Jul 2015

☆ Let's Do The Video Games 'All Nighter' ☆ #GamersUnite #Retrogaming

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Being a gamer of a certain age with kids means that when it comes to all video games 'all nighters' they are sadly a thing of the past.

But I fondly remember those times when I would buy a game and have the freedom to play it till the sun came up.....and then i'd go to sleep, wake up at lunch time and play it some more!

17 Jul 2015

☆ Website Of The Day - "Games That Weren't" ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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I first came across this awesome website when I visited this years PLAY Blackpool in March.

GTW had two tables set up with various examples of games that weren't and from that moment on they had my attention.

16 Jul 2015

☆ Take A Trip Through Four Realms ☆ @Hugebot #GameDev #Kickstarter #GamersUnite

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I've been following the progress of Four Realms for a while now and now Hugebot are ready to unleash this cool retro styled game on Steam Greenlight and Kickstarter.

Let's check back in on developer Del Mason to get a full update on all things Four Realms.

15 Jul 2015

☆ Let's Plan A Prison Paradise ☆ @IVSoftware @PrisonArchitect

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Alpha 34 , now that seems like a lot of Alphas doesn't it?
I suppose it is but hey why not take the time to get this game right?

Prison Architect has everything I like in a game.
It's simple on the surface but then as you get underneath those tasty layers it exposes you to things that you never thought that you would need to consider.

14 Jul 2015

☆ A Commodore 64 Story For Us All ☆ @Retro_Fusion #Kickstarter #Retrogaming #C64

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My appetite for retro gaming related books continues and is routinely appeased by the plethora of cool books that seem to be emanating from the retro gaming community with great success.....

The one i'm excited about today is the latest awesome book project from fusion retro books.......

13 Jul 2015

☆ Mr Iwata - Corporate President - Developer - Gamer ☆ #RIPIwata #GamersUnite #Nintendo

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Having seen the news break on Twitter and now read many of the tributes to the great man it seems like words can't really do justice to what Satoru Iwata meant to everyone (and not just gamers).

What really comes through from the tributes and quotes is the fact that the man was a gamer foremost and corporate president last. 

His sense of fun runs through the core of everything Nintendo does and will do forever more.

In honour of this wonderful man I have scoured the internet for the best fan art tributes and articles that really give you a sense of how much Iwata San will be missed.....

12 Jul 2015

☆ Giant Ants EVERYWHERE!! ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #SEGA

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For a while now the long awaited Megadrive Version of IT CAME FROM THE DESERT has been in production from Cinemaware after a successful Kickstarter campaign

On the news front it had gone silent for a long while......

Then this week I received some promising news on its progress.......

11 Jul 2015

☆ PLAY it! - Manchester Is Coming......Are YOU Ready? ☆ @ReplayEvents #GamersUnite #Retrogaming

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We've Been Passed Some Really Exciting News About A Video Gaming Event Called PLAY it! Manchester......
Those cool dudes at Replay Events have been busy again and have pulled together another awesome sounding event!
You Can't Afford To Miss This...........

10 Jul 2015

☆ Save Your Progress? >Yes No ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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It's been a while since I had the pleasure of of slotting a Game Boy cartridge into the back of the Game Boy and firing up a game of Super Mario Land.
But that's exactly what I did this morning on my commute into the office.
Earphones in, Game Boy out and away we go……..

8 Jul 2015

☆ My Very Own Video Games Console Book Idea ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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Yes I have about a thousand ideas a year about video games related projects.
Whether that be retro gaming related books, arcade machines, retro gaming barcades, retro gaming shops and all sorts of other video game related projects, my brain seems to be constantly thinking about a way to channel my love of video games into something tangible.

7 Jul 2015

☆ Super Retro Summer Sports Games ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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This super summer sunshine, Ashes Cricket and Wimbedon Tennis has got me in the mood to play some super cool summer sports.
Obviously when I say 'play', I mean dust off some cool retro games and get playing some of the best summer games related games of the last 30 years!
So let me get my thinking cap on and bombard you with 5 of my favourite Summer Video Games!

6 Jul 2015

☆ Cream Of The Kickstarter Crop - "Legends Of Fire & Steel" ☆ #Kickstarter #GamersUnite @boomzap

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Kickstarter is full of awesomeness when it comes to new video game related projects.

My regular Kickstarter sweep of all things video games brings up a whole host of exciting looking projects. 

I just wish I had enough money to back them all!

So instead of trying to back all of these beauties I will be sharing with you 
"The Cream Of The Kickstarter Crop" to spread the word on these amazing projects....

Without further ado, let me introduce you to the first of my Kickstarter favourites....

3 Jul 2015

☆ Grab A Slice Of Terrible Video Games History ☆ @ashens #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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We've all read those online lists of the "WORST GAMES EVER" 
We read them and say things like, 
"Oh yeah I remember that, it was really bad!" 
"Oh yeah I remember that, it wasn't THAT bad!"
Well Stuart Ashen has come up with a book full of terrible games that were so bad that you will never have heard of them........
(at least 99% of them anyway!)

2 Jul 2015

☆ An Encyclopedia Of Atari Knowledge ☆ @thevgatv #Retrogaming #Gamersunite #Atari

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The Atari 2600 is the godfather of the consoles and deserves every inch of coverage that it has received over the years.
Imagine a world without the Atari 2600…………then imagine a world without the mighty console generations that followed it......that's how important the Atari 2600 is.

1 Jul 2015

☆ The Definitive NES Guide, A New NES Game and Garpage Pail Art! ☆ @GamingVgbs @JoeSimko #Kickstarter #GamersUnite

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Kickstarter Campaigns Come And They Go.....

BUT We Can't Just Let This One Just Pass Us By....

Retrogamers You Need The Following Kickstarter Backed Items In YOUR Life
Games Freezer Top Posts