
☆"The TOP 100 Video Games To Play Before You Die" Part 3 of 4☆ #RetroGaming #GamersUnite

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RetroGaming Videogames
The Top 100 Games To Play Before You Die - Part 3

Recently we asked the 'TwitterVerse' what games we need to play before we die......

After compiling countless nominations from all of the

☆Friends Of The Freezer

we have managed to compile the definitive 

☆Games Freezer☆ list of..........

"The TOP 100 Video Games To Play Before You Die"☆

 We'll be releasing the full list of 100 over the course of 4 Articles on www.GamesFreezer.eu


This is Part 3.........

There's some lesser known titles and there's some classics that make up this list

Remember this list was nominated by all the Twitter Followers of @GamesFreezer and we think it's one of the most diverse Top 100's EVER assembled!

So what are we waiting for??

Lets Carry On The Countdown with Part 3 - #49 to #25

49. Okami

48. Psychonauts

47. Folklore

46. Terranigma

45. Beyond Good & Evil

44. Silent Hill 2

43. Shenmue

42. Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure

41. Elite

40. Night Driver

39. Contra

38. Turrican

37. Jet Set Willy

36. Shinobi

35. Golden Axe

34. International Karate+

33. Space Harrier

32. Super Mario Bros 3

31. Outrun

30. Street Fighter IV


29. Front Mission 3

28. Renegade

27. Mr Do

26. Pacman

25. Spy Hunter 



So we are on the home straight now!

25 Games Left In Our Top 100 Games To Play Before You Die!

How Many Of These Classics have you played?

Which Ones Do You Disagree With So Far?


We'll be back soon with the FINAL 25 games in Part 4 of The Top 100 Video Games To Play Before You Die!

Games Freezer Retrogaming Video Games


☆GamesFreezer's Favourite #Kickstarter Campaigns - 30th October 2013☆ #GamersUnite

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Trawling Kickstarter for Cool projects has become one of our favourite past times.

Having recently backed the successful Artcade project we are hungry to back some more successful Video Game related projects.

So we've done the searching for you so you can take your pick of the best projects to back.....

So Here's Our Full Rundown Of Our 5 Fave Current Projects

1. BotLogic.US - "A Game To Inspire Future Innovators"

BotLogic is aiming to create an online tool to enable children to learn basic coding & programming from a young age.

A great idea from the BotLogic guys who are aiming to raise $100,000 by November 21st

2. The Vanamo Online Game Museum
How cool is this, the guy on this project has been on a personal crusade to create the largest collection of High Video Game hardware images in order to improve the Wikipedia images and the images present of hardware on the web at the moment.

He now wants to undertake a project to buy and curate the physical hardware and place it into an actual Game Museum whilst also creating and amazing set of free images available to everyone online to either view or use for free.

A really great project that deserves to succeed. 

$5465 out of $8500 has been pledged so far and with 4 Days left they need your help to achieve the goal set for this cool RetroGaming project!

3. Rebuild: "Gangs Of Deadsville"

You are going to love this project!

"It's Sim City meets The Walking Dead. Rebuild civilization one building at a time in this strategy game for Win, Mac, iOS, & Android."

Sarah Northway has previously created two rebuild games and this time wants to create a bigger and better experience and so has hired some extra help, this extra help comes at a cost and that's where Kickstarter comes in!

 $38k out of a $25k target has been pledged so far! 30 hours to go to be a part of it.....get backing!

4. Night In The Woods

What a great video this project has to accompany the campaign!
It really makes you want this game to happen.

"Night In The Woods is a 2D story-focused adventure/exploration game with many extracurricular activities to enjoy, characters to meet, and secrets to discover. Run, jump and use astral projection to explore the many sides of town of Possum Springs and the surrounding environs. Waste time around town with your crew of loser friends. Gain abilities that grant passage to new areas. Discover the secrets of a large cast of characters and the town itself. Experience a big crazy world and the remarkable events unfolding there. Play bass. Break stuff." 

Sounds cool don't it! (looks cool too!)

This has been so much of a success it was fully funded within 26 hours!!

$117k has been pledged out of a target of $50k with 22 days remaining! (WOW!)

5. Confederate Express

This project is by far our favourite of the moment! 

We can't get enough of great pixel art games and this is a beauty!

Check out the cool vid on kickstarter and let us know whether that makes you wanna play this cool game or not.

Pixels + Zombies + RPG = WINNER!!

Thankfully the project is already fully funded so confederate Express will happen! HOORAH!

$14k backed out of a target of $10k with 21 days to go





Games Freezer
Watch Out For More KickStarter Gems From
☆The GamesFreezer☆   Soon......


☆Hip Hop & Video Games - "The RAP Game"☆ @CloudKlaus #GamersUnite

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Video Games
The RAP Game Reviews From "A Cloud Called Klaus"

What's the perfect combination?


Nutella & Pancakes?


Bacon & Eggs?


What about Hip Hop & Video Games!?

Our greatest gaming sessions have been played to the background music of The Wu Tang Clan or Dr Dre whilst spending hours getting stuck into Pro Evolution Soccer session with friends,

It just seems perfect to us, smooth flows and pixels were always meant to be....

So imagine our joy when we discovered A Cloud Called Klaus and his You Tube Series entitled "The RAP Game" where Klaus reviews Video Games in the form of a truly entertaining and tight RAP.

"The Rap Game is a fortnightly show where our host, A Cloud Called Klaus, gives you an insight into how he found his bimonthly gaming. Updated every other Saturday"

It makes listening to a game review so much more engaging and we are loving Klaus' style, this man is a STAR IN THE MAKING!

You have got to be listening & watching Klaus' Reviews they are not to be missed!

So follow Klaus on Twitter HERE

Watch Klaus' RAP Game Videos HERE and DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO HIS CHANNEL to keep up to date with his latest Reviews!

Let us know if you agree with us about our perfect combo?


What do you listen to whilst playing Video Games? A bit of Beethoven or Iron Maiden Maybe?


☆SEGA Megadrive 25 year Anniversary☆ @theREZtron #RetroGaming #GamersUnite

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The SEGA Megadrive / Genesis is one of the Legends of our relatively young hobby.

25 Years Old is a young age for most but when you think that the SEGA Megadrive is a quarter of a century old......

Then you start to think "W☆W how did that happen?!"

So in honour of this truly momentous landmark in the history of videogames an event is being held by REZtron to celebrate the mighty Megadrive in all its 16 bits of beauty!

Tuesday October 29th is the date.

Hoxton Pony Is The Venue.....

And This Is Where You Can Buy Tickets For The Unbelievably Cheap Price Of £2.50!Eventbrite.co.uk

I don't think anyone can deny that it's going to be a great night as attendees will have the opportunity to play some classic games such as Sonic, Micro Machines, Streetfighter II and MORE!

Plus a Sonic Speed competition on the night will see a Sonic The Hedgehog Green Hill Zone Champion crowned!

What are you waiting for?

Get yourselves down to The Hoxton Pony on Tuesday 29th October!!


Let Us Know If You Are Going As We May See You THERE!!


* Website Of The Day - "Retro Game Shelf" * @Razor792 #RetroGaming #GamersUnite

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Retro Game Shelf

Todays WEBSITE OF THE DAY is a lovingly crafted website that's full of character and great opinion.

If you want great content and an abundance of cool articles you really need to head on over to RetroGameShelf.com

If we were you we would start with Retro Game Shelf Top 20 Games the so as you can get a flavour for what is dear to RGS' heart

We absolutely love the look and feel of this great website and will definitely be adding it to the Friends Of The Freezer section today as we want to be making a return visit soon!

In the mean time check out these cool features on RetroGameShelf.com

How To Print Dreamcast Cover Art

Thomas Was Alone Review

Head over there now and let us know what you think? 

(but don't stay too long as the Freezer gets jealous easily!)

**Richard Reporting Directly From The Game Shelf**


☆Website Of The Day "Dead End Thrills"☆ @DeadEndThrills #GamersUnite

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Dead End Thrills

We love pawing over Game Art and we just cant get enough of it.

As anyone who follows our Games Freezer Pinterest Board will know we lap Game Art up and can lose many an hour trawling the web for the finest examples.

When we came across the Dead End Thrills website we were blown away by the amazingly high quality Game Art that was on show.

This website lets the amazingly beautiful art do all the talking and presents it in a way where you can get lost just clicking through the 1000's of available images.

So what's the twist here? 

Well the game art is actually stills taken from the actual games themselves at high res that really brings to life some amazing moments from the games themselves.

Read this to find out what DET is all about

Once you've done that head on over to DeadEndThrills.com

We LOVE Dead End Thrills, what's your favourite place to get your Game Art Kicks?

 Richard Reporting From The Freezer Gallery Room


☆Blog Of The Day - Boxed Pixels☆ @JulianHillUK #RetroGaming #GamersUnite

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The Wonderful Boxed Pixels Blog!

This week we found a great blog that we can really associate with.

Julian Hill is a man on a mission...

A mission of RE-Discovery......


☆The Games Freezer Dream Arcade☆ #RetroGaming #Gamersunite

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O.K so we've all had the daydream about owning all the arcade machines that get you excited just by mentioning them in a sentence….

So, let us just imagine for one moment that Video Gaming Fairy God Mother was going to grant you with your wish…


☆Games Freezer Top 5 Videogames By Genre☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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We love lists here at Games Freezer.

We often while away hours in the chiller compiling lists of our faves!

Fave Foods, Fave Films, Fave Freezers !!

So what are we going to do with all these lists?

Well we decided we would piece together our finest 5 video games from each video game genre for your delectation.

Let us begin with the Genres and definitions…….

(as defined by our dear friend Wikipedia)

Followed by a Lovely Dose Of ScreenShot Heaven!

Action Game
"An action game requires players to use quick reflexes, accuracy, and timing to overcome obstacles. It is perhaps the most basic of gaming genres, and certainly one of the broadest. Action games tend to have gameplay with emphasis on combat. There are many subgenres of action games, such as fighting games and first-person shooters."

Beat 'em Up and Hack and Slash
"Beat 'em up and hack and slash games have an emphasis on one-on-many close quarters combat, beating large numbers of computer-controlled enemies.

Gameplay involves the player fighting through a series of increasingly difficult levels.
The sole distinction between these two genres are that beat 'em ups feature hand-to-hand combat, and hack and slash games feature melee weaponry, particularly bladed weapons. Both genres feature little to no use of firearms or projectile combat. 

This genre became popular in 1987 with the release of Double Dragon, leading to a large number of similar games. 
The fighting style is usually simpler than for versus fighting games. In recent times, the genre has largely merged with that of action-adventure, with side-scrolling levels giving way to more open three-dimensional areas, and melee combat co-existing with shooting and puzzle elements."

  1. Double Dragon (Master System)

  2. Dragon Ninja (Arcade)


  3. Streets Of Rage 2 (Megadrive)


  4. TMNT: Turtles In Time (SNES)


  5. Shinobi (Master System)

Fighting Game
"Fighting games emphasize one-on-one combat between two characters, one of which may be computer controlled.

These games are usually played by linking together long chains of button presses on the controller to use physical attacks to fight. 

Many of the movements employed by the characters are usually dramatic and occasionally physically impossible. 

Combat is almost always one-on-one,though there are some exceptions such as the Super Smash Bros. series and Guilty Gear Isuka, pitting up to four combatants in the fight at one time. 

This genre first appeared with the release of Sega's Heavyweight Boxing and later became a phenomenon, particularly in the arcades, with the release of Street Fighter II."

  1. Mortal Kombat 2 (SNES)


  2. Streetfighter 2 Championship Edition (Arcade)


  3. Super Smash Bros. Melee (GameCube)


  4. Marvel Vs. Capcom: New Age Of Heroes (Dreamcast)


  5. Killer Instinct (Arcade)

Platform Game
"Platform games (platformers) are a subgenre of action game. 

These games involve traveling between platforms by jumping (very occasionally other means are substituted for jumping, like swinging or bouncing, but these are considered variations on the same mechanic). 

Other traditional elements include running and climbing ladders and ledges. Platformers frequently borrow elements from other genres like fighting and shooting (such as the Castlevania series, which incorporates role-playing). 

They are most often associated with iconic video game mascots like Donkey Kong, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Megaman, Samus and Rayman, though platform games may have any theme."

  1. Super Mario 3 (NES)


  2. Sonic 2 (Megadrive)


  3. Wonderboy In Monsterland (Master System)


  4. Alex Kidd In Miracle World (Master System)


  5. Super Ghouls N Ghosts (SNES)

Shooter Game
"A shooter game focuses primarily on combat involving projectile weapons, such as guns and missiles. 

They can be divided into first-person and third-person shooters, depending on the camera perspective. Some first-person shooters use light gun technology."

  1. Half Life 2 (Various)


  2. Halo 3 (X360)


  3. Gears Of War 2 (X360)


  4. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare (X360)


  5. Mass Effect 2 (X360)

Light Gun Shooter
"Light gun shooters are a genre of shooter genre designed for use with a pointing device for computers and a control device for arcade and home consoles."

  1. Duck Hunt (NES)


  2. Time Crisis (PSOne)


  3. Virtua Cop 2 (Arcade)


  4. Ghost Squad (Wii)


  5. Resident Evil 4 (Wii)


Shoot 'em Up (SHMUP)
"A shoot 'em up (or shmup for short), or arcade shooter, is a genre of shooter game in which the player controls a character or vehicle (most often a spacecraft) and shoots large numbers of enemies, while dodging incoming projectiles."
  1. Xenon 2 : MegaBlast (Atari ST)

    Xenon 2 Megablast

  2. R-Type (Arcade)

    R Type


  3. Parodius (SNES)



  4. Gradius V (PS2)


  5. Midnight Resistance (C64)

    Midnight Resistance


Action-Adventure Game
"Action-adventure games combine elements of their two component genres, typically featuring long-term obstacles that must be overcome using a tool or item as leverage (which is collected earlier), as well as many smaller obstacles almost constantly in the way, that require elements of action games to overcome. Action-adventure games tend to focus on exploration and usually involve item gathering, simple puzzle solving, and combat."

Stealth Game
"Stealth games are a somewhat recent sub-genre, sometimes referred to as "sneakers" or "creepers" to contrast with the action-oriented "shooter" sub-genre. These games tend to emphasize subterfuge and precision strikes over the more overt mayhem of shooters. Most have first- or third-person shooter elements. Some of the most known stealth games are the Thief series or the Hitman games."

  1. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (PS2) 


  2. Metal Gear Solid (PSOne)


  3. Splinter Cell (PS2)


  4. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins (PS1)


  5. Dishonoured (X360)

Survival Horror
"Survival horror games focus on fear and attempt to scare the player via traditional horror fiction elements such as atmospherics, death, the undead, blood and gore. One crucial gameplay element in many of these games is the low quantity of ammunition, or number of breakable melee weapons. A notable example is Resident Evil 4"

  1. Resident Evil 2 (PSOne) 

  2. Dead Space (X360)


  3. Silent Hill 2 (PS2)


  4. Stalker (PC)


  5. System Shock 2 (PC)


Graphic Adventures / Point & Click
"Mystery House for the Apple II was the first adventure game to use graphics in the early home computer era.

Graphic adventure games emerged as graphics became more common. 

Adventure games began to supplement and later on replace textual descriptions with visuals (for example, a picture of the current location). 

Early graphic adventure games used text-parsers to input commands. 

The growing use of mice led to the "point-and-click" genre of adventure games, where the player would no longer have to type commands. 

The player could, for example, click on a hand icon and then on a rope to pick up the rope."

  1. Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis 



  2. Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge (Amiga)



  3. Simon The Sorcerer (Amiga) 


  4. Beneath A Steel Sky (Amiga)


  5. Broken Sword - Directors Cut (Android)


Role-Playing Video Game
"KQ is a role-playing gameRole-playing video games draw their gameplay from traditional role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. 

Most cast the player in the role of one or more "adventurers" who specialize in specific skill sets (such as melee combat or casting magic spells) while progressing through a predetermined storyline. 

Many involve maneuvering these character(s) through an overworld, usually populated with monsters, that allows access to more important game locations, such as towns, dungeons, and castles."

  1. Secret Of Mana (SNES)

  2. Fallout 3 (X360)

  3. Final Fantasy IV (PSOne)

  4. The Elder Scrolls Oblivion (X360)

    Deus Ex (PC)

Simulation Video Game
"Simulation video games is a diverse super-category of games, generally designed to closely simulate aspects of a real or fictional reality."

  1. SIM City (Amiga)

  2. Football Manager II (Amstrad)

  3. SIMS (PC)

  4. Game Dev Story (Android)

  5. Flight Simulator II (Atari 800 XE/XL)

Strategy Video Game
Strategy video games focus on gameplay requiring careful and skillful thinking and planning in order to achieve victory. In most strategy video games, says Andrew Rollings, "the player is given a godlike view of the game world, indirectly controlling the units under his command."

  1. Populous (SNES)

  2. Command & Conquer : RED ALERT 2 (PC)

  3. Civilization II (PC)

  4. Starcraft (PC)

  5. Company Of Heroes (PC)

Puzzle Video Game
"Puzzle games require the player to solve logic puzzles or navigate complex locations such as mazes. 

They are well suited to casual play, and tile-matching puzzle games are among the most popular casual games. 

This genre frequently crosses over with adventure and educational games. 

Some arcade games, in particular Tetris variants, are often labeled puzzle games, despite the fact that gameplay depends on hand/eye coordination and quick reflexes, rather than thought and logic."

  1. Tetris (Gameboy)

  2. Columns (Megadrive)

  3. Portal (X360)

  4. Peggle (Xbox Live Arcade)

  5. Bust A Move 2 (PSOne)

Sports Video Game
"Sports games emulate the playing of traditional physical sports. Some emphasize actually playing the sport, while others emphasize the strategy behind the sport."

  1. Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (PS2)

  2. Tiger Woods 2004 (PS2)

  4. Sensible Soccer (Amiga)

  5. NHLPA 93 (SNES)



Now you know what The Games Freezer team love in every genre of game, let us know your faves!


Can you think of any genres we have missed?


Happy Listing You Crazy Freezers!

Games Freezer Top Posts