This Space Jam video game is based on a movie by the same name that I am pretty sure I saw in theatres and remember very little about; partially because that was the only time I saw it, and I know very little about Michael Jordan or basketball as a whole, so it never kept my interest.
I considered re-watching the movie for this review, but couldn’t find anyone I knew that actually owned a copy, so not sure what that says about the movie or my friends. It is a simple concept though, with the world-famous Looney Tunes meeting real-life NBA players—mostly just MJ after he decided to do baseball—and play a game of intergalactic proportions: Tune Squad vs Monstars, where the stakes are…
I honestly don’t recall, but I’m sure they’re big. The movie, however, was a hit, to the point that Hollywood is still talking about a sequel to this day, so I’m a little surprised there is only one Space Jam video game.
30 Apr 2018
27 Apr 2018
👑 Review: Chess Ultra "Pour a nice glass of Malbec and get that grey matter twitching" 👑

Game Title: Chess Ultra
Developer: Ripstone
Platform Reviewed: Nintendo Switch
Rating: Ice Cool
Ripstone have developed a video game that takes the essentials of the game of Chess, refines the various aspects of it and distils it almost perfectly onto the Nintendo Switch.
26 Apr 2018
⚔️ Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion ⚔️ #AdventureTime
First Official Trailer Released for Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
An Original Adventure Time Story Coming to Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on July 17 in the US and July 20 Globally
An Original Adventure Time Story Coming to Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on July 17 in the US and July 20 Globally
⚽️ SNES Football Games Were Shite - FIFA 96 - 1995 - EA ⚽️ #Retrogaming
🎮 "The SNES Football Games Were Shite Roadshow trundles on and this week it visits EA again with FIFA 96.... was it a turd or could I polish it?" 🎮
FIFA 96,
SNES Football Games Were Shite,
Super Nintendo,
You Tube
25 Apr 2018
⛵️ Review: Solo "A game about love, crafted with love" ⛵️ #GameDev @TeamGotham_
Game Title: Solo
Platform Reviewed: PC (Steam)
Developer: Team Gotham
Rating: Ice Cool
Release date – April 26th 2018
Solo is a video game featuring a sailor traversing an archipelago, solving puzzles and musing on love as he works his way across the scenic islands. I instantly warmed to its tone and charms as I puzzled my way through the game.
Solo starts with you choosing your character and their relationship status (which alters aspects of the story, the choices are quite varied and should cater for everyone). Starting off at your house, your cheerful, rotund character soon sets sail for a distant archipelago and the game starts in earnest.
24 Apr 2018
⚔️ The Swords Of Ditto - Ten Minute Taster - PS4 ⚔️ #GameDev @onebitbeyond #IndieGame
⚔️ "The first title from One Bit Beyond is The Swords of Ditto, the beautiful looking micro RPG that generates a new story, adventure, character and world every time you play. The Swords of Ditto will be published by Devolver Digital on PC and PS4 on 24th April 2018."" ⚔️
23 Apr 2018
☆ Review: Beckett - "An acid trip into a Burroughs-esque dystopia" ☆ #IndieGame @TheSecretExp
Game Title: Beckett
Developer: The Secret Experiment
Platform Reviewed: PC (Steam)
Rating: Ice Cool
There’s no sugar-coating this, Beckett is a tough ride for all the right reasons.
Scottish developers The Secret Experiment pull no punches as they envelop you in the twisted, broken world of Beckett.
As I played through I winced, felt queasy, and even occasionally found it overwhelming, but I was never bored.
22 Apr 2018
☆ EGX Rezzed 2018 "Tim Schafer & The Lucas Games Ranch Nerds" ☆ @DoubleFine
Tobacco Dock is a brilliant venue for this highlight in my gaming calendar and I always look forward to visiting its dungeon like underbelly for the awesome leftfield collection and the brick cavern like gaming areas on the first floor to experience more mainstream indie delights.
For me this year there was a highlight of the show that really stood out for me.
It was an awesome talk from Tim Schafer about his video games writing / developing career which was a brilliant way to spend 45 minutes listening to an industry legend’s experiences at Lucas Arts and Double Fine.
Double Fine,
egx rezzed,
egx rezzed 2018,
Lucas Arts,
Tim Schafer
20 Apr 2018
☆ Review: Bombslinger - "Tough As Old Bombs!" ☆ #Bombslinger #Nindies @mode4games
If you hear anyone talking about Bombslinger then you will most likely hear them refer to Super Bomberman R in the same sentence as they are pretty much cousins but they are most definitely not the same and Bombslinger does not come across as a game trying to best Super Bomberman R either.
So, what is Bombslinger all about and is it worth picking up for your Switch?
Well let's have a look shall we?
19 Apr 2018
⚽️ SNES Football Games Were Shite - FIFA International Soccer - 1993 - EA ⚽️
🎮"Over the years of video games playing and owning a Super Nintendo I came to the realisation that the Super Nintendo was shit for Soccer games! They're all rubbish!"🎮
🎮"Join me as I trudge through the poo and serve up a steaming slice for you to consume in weekly portions"🎮
🎮"Join me as I trudge through the poo and serve up a steaming slice for you to consume in weekly portions"🎮
18 Apr 2018
☆ The Sounds Gamers Will Never Forget ☆
Here's a video that I had fun pulling together of some of the sounds that as a gamer you will never forget.
See if you can spot your favourite video game amongst this lot...
17 Apr 2018
☆ Review: Rally Racers - "Colourful Cartoon Karting" ☆ #IndieGame
Developer: West Coast Games
Platform Reviewed: Nintendo Switch
Rating: Melting
Rally Racers is a fun if slightly bland family-friendly racing game with a ‘kart-style’ approach that I found entertaining in short bursts as well as also oddly addictive, despite it’s issues.
16 Apr 2018
☆ Where Are My Friends? - PS4 - Ten Minute Taster "An intriguing game of an eyeball and his friends..." ☆ #IndieGame
🎮 An intriguing video game set in a strange time as you try and piece together some puzzles and answer the question that I ask myself on a daily basis.
Where Are My Friends?! ." 🎮
15 Apr 2018
☆ Retro Games Collector Talks Grandstand 3600, The Lords Of Midnight and Peanut Butter & Nutella Sandwiches - Video Games Memories ☆ #GamersUnite #Retrogaming
Today we invite a Spectrum Fanatic and Retro Gaming community legend @RetroGamesCollector in the Freezer to answer some cool questions on his retrogaming past present and future...
14 Apr 2018
☆ C64 Reloaded Talks VIC20, Elvin Atombender and Astro Wars - Video Games Memories ☆ @C64Reloaded #GamersUnite #Retrogaming
Today we are lucky enough to have a C64 font of all knowledge in the Freezer.
Please welcome one of my fave Twitter peeps out there, Mr Martin Grundy aka @C64Reloaded
Martin's Twitter account is a constant stream of Commodore goodness with a splattering of all other Retro Gaming delights.
If you don't already follow Martin, you should and if you don't have one of his awesome retro gaming calendars you should get one!
Now sit back and relax and listen to Martin's Video Gaming Memories...
Guest Blog,
Martin Grundy,
video games memories
13 Apr 2018
⚽️ SNES Football Games Were Shite - Episode 5: Elite Soccer - Rage - 1994 ⚽️ #Retrogaming
🎮"Over the years of video games playing and owning a Super Nintendo I came to the realisation that the Super Nintendo was shit for Soccer games! They're all rubbish!"🎮
🎮"Join me as I trudge through the poo and serve up a steaming slice for you to consume in weekly portions"🎮
12 Apr 2018
⚽️ SNES Football Games Were Shite - Episode 4: 1993 - Championship Soccer '94 - Sony ⚽️ #Retrogaming
🎮"Over the years of video games playing and owning a Super Nintendo I came to the realisation that the Super Nintendo was shit for Soccer games! They're all rubbish!"🎮
🎮"Join me as I trudge through the poo and serve up a steaming slice for you to consume in weekly portions"🎮
🎮"Join me as I trudge through the poo and serve up a steaming slice for you to consume in weekly portions"🎮
11 Apr 2018
☆ The Deep Freeze Number 4 (Mar 2018) – HeroQuest, Steven Seagal and Video Games Above TV ☆ @BrittRecluseuk @kingdomofcarts
In this crazy old Video Games Freezer we get up to a lot of stuff over the course of a month like picking our noses and scratching our bums, so Britt and I would like to share with you some of our gaming and other life stuff highlights and low lights of the month of March 2018.
Step into the Freezer and we shall share with ye...
10 Apr 2018
☆ One Credit Classics Talks Ghouls N Ghosts No Death in 412 Takes and Laying Down In The Road! - Video Games Memories ☆ @1creditclassics #GamersUnite #Retrogaming
One Credit Classics is by far and away my favourite YouTube Channel Right Now!
The love for the games that are being beaten in one credit oozes through the screen with every video and I just had to get Mr 1 Credit on here to tell us more about what makes him tick as a gamer and obviously what his favourite sarnie is....
Let's jump in and let Mr 1 Credit spill the beans...
9 Apr 2018
☆ Ten Minute Taster: Super Daryl Deluxe - PS4 ☆
🎮"Daryl is one cool dude with his hand drawn orange flares and orange headband to match. He's been placed into a High School that has a Bear for a pupil and it's down to you to get to the bottom of what is going on......Good Luck!"🎮
8 Apr 2018
7 Apr 2018
🤟🏻 Review: Double Kick Heroes - "METAL RAWKS!" 🤟🏻 #IndieGame #GameDev
Developer: Headbang Club
Platform Reviewed: PC (Steam)
Rating: Ice Cool
Double Kick Heroes (DKH) is easily one of the most fun rhythm games that I’ve played in recent years due to the (admittedly loose) story.
The combination of Lucasarts style graphics, individuality, original music, tongue in cheek characters and solid gameplay really won me over.
The combination of Lucasarts style graphics, individuality, original music, tongue in cheek characters and solid gameplay really won me over.
6 Apr 2018
⚽️ SNES Football Games Were Shite - Episode 3: Champions World Class Soccer - ACCLAIM - 1993 ⚽️ #Retrogaming
🎮"Over the years of video games playing and owning a Super Nintendo I came to the realisation that the Super Nintendo was shit for Soccer games! They're all rubbish!"🎮
🎮"Join me as I trudge through the poo and serve up a steaming slice for you to consume in weekly portions"🎮
🎮"Join me as I trudge through the poo and serve up a steaming slice for you to consume in weekly portions"🎮
5 Apr 2018
⚔️ Ten Minute Taster: Minit - PS4 "Beware The Cursed Sword!" ⚔️ #IndieGame #GameDev
🎮 "The duck billed Minit guy finds a cursed Sword and is given a minute to explore the island before he dies and starts again. This game is brilliantly simple and devious...." 🎮
4 Apr 2018
☆ Russty Russ Talks Hunchback, C64 Plus 4, Amiga & Jack Daniels - Video Games Memories ☆ #GamersUnite #Retrogaming
Hailing from the Isle Of Retroshire @Russty_Russ is one of our favourite Twitter peeps.
He manages to mix retro nostalgic TV listings with retro gaming posts seamlessly and you can always rely on that nostalgia fix from his awesome Twitter feed.
He's also a mega Teletext fanatic so is right on trend at the moment with the rise and rise of the Digitiser Show Kickstarter!
Let's get to know @Russty_Russ a little bit more with our delve into his retro gaming past, present and future!
He manages to mix retro nostalgic TV listings with retro gaming posts seamlessly and you can always rely on that nostalgia fix from his awesome Twitter feed.
He's also a mega Teletext fanatic so is right on trend at the moment with the rise and rise of the Digitiser Show Kickstarter!
Let's get to know @Russty_Russ a little bit more with our delve into his retro gaming past, present and future!
3 Apr 2018
☆ My Special Toys R Us Memories ☆
When I was growing up, Birthdays meant one thing……A TRIP TO TOYS R US to buy whatever I wanted!
Okay, let me clarify that. A trip to Toys R Us to buy what I had been asking for as long as it wasn’t too dear.
Looking back on it now I was a lucky kid!
This yearly ritual made Toys R Us a thing of legend as I only visited the place once a year. It made that trip through Jeffrey Giraffe’s Toy Store a magical time indeed.
I’d watched the adverts and sung the song and every year I got to walk the hallowed aisles of Toys R Us in awe of everything on offer.
2 Apr 2018
☆ Review: Urban Trial Playground (UTP) - "A Flipping Good Time!" ☆
Developer: Tate Multimedia
Platform Reviewed: Nintendo Switch
Rating: Melting
Urban Trial Playground (UTP) is a Nintendo Switch exclusive title that plays similarly to Redlynx’s Trials Fusion. A ‘pick up and play’ blast of fun with cool surf music, colourful summer locations and some serious stoppie action, although it does suffer from a lack of game modes and perhaps the shallowness of the gameplay isn’t for everyone.
1 Apr 2018
🕹️ Which Video Games Were The Best Arcade To Console Conversions? 🎮 #Retrogaming
Back when the Arcades ruled the video games world the ultimate accolade was to be seen to produce an arcade perfect conversion onto home consoles and computers.
As a gamer you'd look out for the phrase arcade perfect in any review and you knew that was the game to buy if those immortal words were uttered.
It got me thinking about some of my favourite arcade to console conversions over the years and I have compiled a nice little top 5 to show off my fave arcade to console conversions.
As a gamer you'd look out for the phrase arcade perfect in any review and you knew that was the game to buy if those immortal words were uttered.
It got me thinking about some of my favourite arcade to console conversions over the years and I have compiled a nice little top 5 to show off my fave arcade to console conversions.
Commodore 64,
FM Towns,
SEGA Master System,
Super Nintendo
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