Showing posts with label Tex Murphy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tex Murphy. Show all posts


πŸ“šπŸ“– Tex Murphy and the Poisoned Pawn – a Novel by Aaron Connors πŸ“šπŸ“– @aaronconners #BookReview

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Having been a fan of the Tex Murphy games since the early nineties, it was only in late 2018 that I realised that there were a series of books based on the video games. The novels are written by author Aaron Connors – who is also screenplay/story writer on the games - and, after reading and thoroughly enjoying The Pandora Directive, I was lucky enough to get some time with Aaron for a GF interview back in 2019:

Since then, I’ve been keenly awaiting the arrival of Tex Murphy and the Poisoned Pawn for more futuristic private detective action and I’m pleased to say that it is absolutely worth the wait and another awesome chapter in the ongoing Tex Murphy story.


πŸ•΅️‍♀️πŸ”Ž Interview with Aaron Conners, Author of The Tex Murphy Novels and Screenplays πŸ•΅️‍♀️πŸ”Ž @aaronconners @BrittRecluseuk

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After recently reading The Pandora Directive (and thoroughly enjoying it) as well as re-playing The Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure, I contacted Aaron Conners to get an insight on his involvement with gaming’s favourite down-and-out detective.

Aaron was more than happy to respond and I’m thankful that he took the time out, I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did.
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