
💾👙 The Erotic Floppy – A Joystick Story - "Chun Li's Knickers" 👙💾 #Retrogaming #Amiga

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Ahhh, porn in video games. It’s not something that we cover here at GF too often, but the other day I was talking to my GF colleagues, and the topic of our introductions to saucy games came up.

For me, it was Strip Poker 3 on the Amiga. I vividly – and sheepishly – remember being in the (now very much closed) Cardiff branch of Electronics Boutique with my parents, where they were asking me what game I’d like for my birthday.

I can’t remember my age, but as I wandered around that store, a lot of games caught my eye in those sweet, big old Amiga boxes. I’ve always taken ages to choose which game to pick up, as I come from a background where a game chosen could be one you play for weeks or months, and so so I was never frivolous in my purchases – but there – right on the top shelf, was Artworx’ Strip Poker 3.

Almost as a half-joke, I pointed at it quickly (probably whilst looking awkwardly at the ground with a flushed face) and said “...Ummm...can I….Ummm….that one?” and my mother grabbed it and said “This one?” it was a busy store and I was MORTIFIED….but the thought of the possibility of seeing boobies clearly overrode any embarrassment and I said ‘yes’, then exited the shop as quickly as possible as she paid*.

I had absolutely no idea how to play poker, but out of sheer teenage determination, I worked it out...and have very fond memories of that game on the Amiga 500, the first time that my world of gaming bled into the adult realm. To this day I can only play five card stud and have no idea how Texas hold ‘em works, because of that pixelated titillation.

Following this, the next encounter that I can recall with adult gaming came via Abandonware sites some years later (we miss you, HOTU!). They were a goldmine for discovering not only the poker titles but also the hentai titles such as Cobra Mission and the like. It’s not a path I went down too far, but I do have memories of putting up with a serious amount of looping, grinding, tedious gameplay just to see a woman with a corset on and cat ears laughing whilst leaning on a tree...give me my precious Amiga sauciness any day!

I won’t name any names here, but my GF cohorts also chimed in with their own memories; pausing Street Fighter 2 on the Amiga at the precise moment that you could see Chun Li’s knickers during her spinning bird kick, the ‘nude cheat’ in Dynamite Dux (a new one on me!), spinning the camera around Lara Croft in Tomb Raider to ‘appreciate her from all angles’, adjusting the boob physics in Dead or Alive...

Whilst there have been far more gratuitous games since those early days in video game erotica were landmarks of my gaming career.

What memories do you have of your introduction to video game sauciness? 

*for new generations, if you intend to play Strip Poker 3 through an Amiga emulator ‘on the shush’ at midnight whilst your parents/housemates are asleep next door – for God’s sake, mute the TV and don’t forget that the intro is a woman saying (loudly) “WELCOME TO STRIP POKER 3”. 

💾 It turns out that trying to find a box shot of Strip poker 3 is a tough ask so here's the closest we could find 💾


  1. Damnit! I was hoping there was going to be a game called Chun Li’s knickers.

    Fair play to you for getting Mum to buy your smut :)

    1. Ha ha, cheers! It was one of the most awkward moments of my teenage life, and there were a LOT to choose from.


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