
⚽️ SNES Football Games Were Shite - FIFA 96 - 1995 - EA ⚽️ #Retrogaming

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🎮 "The SNES Football Games Were Shite Roadshow trundles on and this week it visits EA again with FIFA 96.... was it a turd or could I polish it?" 🎮 



⛵️ Review: Solo "A game about love, crafted with love" ⛵️ #GameDev @TeamGotham_

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Game Title: Solo
Platform Reviewed: PC (Steam)
Developer: Team Gotham
Rating: Ice Cool
Release date – April 26th 2018
Solo is a video game featuring a sailor traversing an archipelago, solving puzzles and musing on love as he works his way across the scenic islands. I instantly warmed to its tone and charms as I puzzled my way through the game.
Solo starts with you choosing your character and their relationship status (which alters aspects of the story, the choices are quite varied and should cater for everyone). Starting off at your house, your cheerful, rotund character soon sets sail for a distant archipelago and the game starts in earnest.


⚔️ The Swords Of Ditto - Ten Minute Taster - PS4 ⚔️ #GameDev @onebitbeyond #IndieGame

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⚔️ "The first title from One Bit Beyond is The Swords of Ditto, the beautiful looking micro RPG that generates a new story, adventure, character and world every time you play. The Swords of Ditto will be published by Devolver Digital on PC and PS4 on 24th April 2018."" ⚔️

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