
Games Freezer - FREE Access To Development Suite @Project_Anarchy

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Project Anarchy The Free Games Development Tool

GamesFreezer spotted some great news about something called "Project Anarchy" recently and we decided to investigate further.

Project Anarchy is giving Free Access to development suite for budding Games Developers who wish to publish games on iOS or Android.

The development suite is a complete end to end game engine and state-of-the-art tool set for mobile gaming. 

The whole concept is based around a busy game development community centred at www.projectanarchy.com

What is so cool about this concept is that it includes an entirely FREE license to ship your game on iOS, Android and Tizen platforms. 

In order to ensure Project Anarchy is free for iOS, Android and Tizen they encourage developers who use it to become part of the bustling  community and add value to the community in order to ensure its a great place to make games. 

Secondly they ask for the opportunity to do some marketing with developers when it comes to releasing the game, which is no bad thing as far as we can see.

Thirdly, if you have created a game targeting Android platform that you plan to upload to an app store, the FREE license requires that you build an equivalent x86-compatible version of the game and upload it alongside any other versions that you have built (apparently building this x86 is pretty straightforward)

All of this sounds pretty reasonable to us for the FREE use of the Project Anarchy development suite of tools.

Take a trip to projectanarchy.com and get involved with this great new concept that could well enable you to create the game of your dreams!

Are you interested in taking advantage of this great piece of kit?

What game would you create using the Project anarchy Tool Set?


Games Freezer - Website Of The Day @JoystickJournal

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The Very Cool Joystick Journal Styling

As you all know, the GamesFreezer loves discovering a new website and todays website of the day is "JOYSTICK JOURNAL"

We fell in love with this website immediately due to the cool retro styling of the homepage.

Check out the Retro looking Joystick on the website banner, thats the kind of thing that floats our boat here at GamesFreezer!

When you start to explore the articles on Joystick Journal you will find a whole set of well written thoughts on various aspects of gaming from past to present.

We like Joystick Journal's style and that's why it's our GamesFreezer Website of the day!


Head on over to Joystick Journal via the link below


Also don't forget to follow Joystick Journal on Twitter @JoystickJournal

Let us know what you think of Joystick Journal?

Tell us some of the cool websites you have discovered and we will try and feature them in the GamesFreezer

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