
Marvel Snap | Mike's Love Letter πŸ’™ #MarvelSnap

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When developers Second Dinner announced a new Marvel game featuring over 200 characters my tired heart skipped a beat, then when I realised it was a mobile card game… I died inside.

No, not the "card" bit, but the ‘mobile’ bit. If you've played any mobile games in the last five years you no doubt feel a pang of pain in the wallet at the sound of it. They all seem to be in a race to bankrupt you as quickly as possible.

To my delight, not only is that not the case with Marvel Snap but - cosmetics and bundles aside - its currency of credits and boosters is obtainable in-game.

Yes, you can pay for variants and additional currency, but in this age of Candy Crush and the recent Diablo Immortal, it’s astonishing how much you can play and progress without spending a penny. What's more, the game is extremely accessible. Card games conjure images of endless RNG, stats and decks, but Marvel Snap is stripped back and streamlined. 

There are three locations with space for four cards per location, with the goal being to beat your opponent's score on two of the three 'lanes'. Sounds simple, but as you progress and unlock cards, the abilities and location traits offer endless ways to get the upper hand. Progression is rewarding, each match grants currency which you spend boosting cards you have or climbing the collection ladder to obtain more cards.

Above all that it's just fun and snappy, with each match lasting no more than three minutes. The abilities cleverly match the characters (Venom eats your cards and grows stronger, Wolverine regenerates when destroyed and appears in another location) and the sheer number of characters to collect keeps you playing. It's also delightful watching someone tactically set up a place for a potentially game-winning ‘15 Power Destroyer’, knowing full well you've got a Shang Chi in your hand that will obliterate anything above Power 9.

In fact, the matches are so quick that you never get angry when someone completely sees through what you’re doing and wipes you out. Some amazing examples on YouTube exist of people stacking powers and abilities to completely decimate a board.

I’m addicted to Marvel Snap, a game that took everyone by surprise (it just landed Best Mobile Game at this year’s Game Awards). There are countless combinations and strategies devised by far cleverer players than me, and I'm getting thrashed more often than not, but as long as my deck of 90's X-Men keeps filling up, I'm not mad.

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