Showing posts with label Sephonie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sephonie. Show all posts


Sephonie (Console release) Nintendo Switch Review 8/10 "Analgesic Release 3D Platformer ‘Sephonie’ on Consoles" ๐Ÿƒ‍♀️ @han_tani #GameDev #IndieGames

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My esteemed colleague Pixel Hunted covered Sephonie upon its PC release last year and quite frankly, I’ve been furiously jealous of him ever since. I’ve recently had the pleasure of playing the newly released console version on Switch, in hands trembling with excitement…and possibly unbridled passion.

The developers’ previous game – Anodyne 2 – was my game of the year in 2021 and I’ve been waiting to get my hands on Sephonie since it was first announced, I admittedly had high expectations, knowing what gold the devs were capable of.


๐ŸŒบ Sephonie PC Review 8/10 "Sephonie was my first Analgesic game. It won’t be my last." ๐ŸŒธ @han_tani #IndieGame #IndieGameDev

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A two-person development team has no business making a 3D platformer. Why not settle for something a little more achievable like a visual novel, a flash game, or just firing up the ‘ol RPG Maker like so many budding game developers have before.

But Analgesic Productions - comprising Melos Han-Tani and Marina Kittika - ignored the easy road and strode headlong into the fire with Sephonie

Surrounding them are the weatherbeaten remains of late 90s developers who tried and failed to crack the 3D platformer.

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