
★Welcome To The UnEarth Initiative....Enjoy Your Stay★ @UnEarthGame #GameDev #GamersUnite

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In a recent article we covered our pick of the Top 5 Video Games Related  Kickstarter Campaigns that are active at the moment and one that really caught our eye and got the creative juices flowing was UnEarth Initiative


So we decided to dig a little deeper inside this one and give it it's very own feature....


Here we go then, Welcome To The UnEarth Initiative by Inkling Games......



What Is The UnEarth Initiative? 

This beauty of a game is a science fiction video game created by veteran developers of the awesome Playstation 2 Ratchet & Clank series

This cool 3D Sim mixes a sense of humor and character with the gameplay of building and exploration on a previously undiscovered mysterious planet. 

The game is set in the 31st century, Earth is coping with overpopulation by sending its least desirable citizens on a poorly budgeted colonization program in outer space (probably sending them via Ryan Air)

After crash landing at the destination planet, the colonists you control set out to explore and survive on an brand new alien world full of danger and excitement.

This is where the trouble starts as it's not easy managing a rag tag crew of crooks and social outcasts.....

The key is therefore managing to band these delinquents together into a team and overcome their lesser points it is only then you will be able to build a successful colony.


What Gameplay Features Can We Expect?

The UnEarth Initiative is to feature randomized planet terrain, creatures, and plant-life. 

Players will need to master balancing their valuable time between building a secure base for their colonists, and sending out exploration teams who will search for new plants and creatures. 

Just imagine how cool it will be to Build elaborate underground bases for your colony!

In order to throw in another factor there will be the building of relationships with other alien races to manage so you'll get the opportunity to meet bizarre aliens and establish long-term trading relationships or unleash bloody feuds!

As-well as this you'll get to manage the personality quirks of your own colonists. 

There will also be random events, such as invading alien garden pests or a good old space plague!

One of the most exciting things about this game are your only real allies in survival, Man's Best Friend, the faithful "Rovots"

The cool thing about these little rascals is that colonists can undertake in game programming of the Rovots to serve their every need! 

Once programmed you can share your programs with other players to let others know what cool things you have got your Rovots doing....sounds brilliant!

How did UnEarth come about then?

UnEarth was first conceived a year ago, by Lesley Mathieson. 

She talked Peter Hastings into coding a quick demo of it, and the project has snowballed from there into a full-featured game in a matter of months!

How Can I Help To Make UnEarth Happen?

Well, first things first....

Get on over to the KICKSTARTER Campaign by clicking HERE

Then, once you've pledged, 

Start following UnEarth on TWITTER by clicking HERE

RetroGaming, UnEarth Initiative


★"Its Not JUST Graphics.....That Make A Good Video Game"★@notjustgraphics #GamersUnite #RetroGaming

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We are always looking around the various cool blogs and websites set up by video game junkies like us!

Every once in a while we come across a kindred spirit who really 'gets' video games like we 'get' video games.
We Are Glad To Say That This is One Such occasion.......

It's Not Just Graphics embraces old and new video games and treats games as one loving family of Video Games which means the site does not alienate one generation of console from another just because one is a little older than the other.

As we have said before, Video Games Are Meant To Be Fun.....whether that's fun on an ageing console with a copy of Super Mario Bros 3 or whether it's on a shiney new PS4 with FIFA 14......you just gotta share the love of video games........AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT Tom Hockin's COOL Site Does.... 


You will see from Tom's Twitter Feed there are all sorts of opinions on offer from RetroGaming to the current generation of video games and hardware.

That's exactly what we like to see in Video Games Journalism, a balanced view instead of the boring Fan Boy drivel that most us have come to loathe!

So what kind of stuff lives on It's Not JUST Graphics then?

Well here's a sample of some of the cool articles for you to peruse:

1. A Good Place To Start Is Tom's INTRODUCTION Page 

2. Then There's A Good Article Entitled "Do People Really Like Professor Layton?"

3. Why not read an article all about learning to LOVE the Wii U

We'd say that this should get you started into the wonderful world of "INJG"

We're off to read all about Bioshock Infinite before we purchase that bad boy game! 

Why not let us know what you think about INJG?

Does It Inspire YOU To Create Your Very Own Blog Or Website On This Amazing Subject That We Call Video Games?



★OTON X Video Game Console Latest News★ @EnGeniux #GamersUnite

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Recently we told you all about the OTON X The Video Games Console That Creates Its Own Games......

Now We've Got Some More News On This Cool Games machine....So Read On

The OTON X Video Games Console is set to offer crowdfunding during its open beta of the console’s user interface testing. 

This is the first beta testing hybrid crowdfunding campaign ever to offer users the ability to sample a portion of the product before they actually back the project. 

The beta will have a weekly status update system to track progress.

There will also be a voting system based on feedback from OTON user interface testers.

The unique selling point for the OTON X console is that it's the first autonomous game console to self-create game levels and games without a full-time developer.

The system goes about creating games using a custom algorithm with preset design parameters and a sprite database to create custom game environments. 

This ingenious and innovative process saves time and money and supports developers with new game content to players much faster.
The EnGeniux Project wanted to take a different approach with this crowdfund effort, so it is using the Selfstarter Method used by other platforms that didn’t use Kickstarter to fund their projects. 

During the campaign Engeniux will be offering these three Cool Incentives To Back:
- All Credit cards will not be charged until one month before units ship.
- $100 of game credit if the OTON developer (dev unit) doesn’t ship on the date EnGeniux promises.
-A free OTON T-shirt if the OTON dev unit can’t produce 100 different basic 2D game levels and characters when shipped.
The OTON X Systems will cost $99 for early-bird units (limit of 50 units) and $139 for standard units. 

Derrick Samuels who is the OTON X creator and project manager said the following:

“We’re excited and confident that we can get OTON X funded with this hybrid method,”

“I stand behind my console and my team, and we want our community to feel excited and confident that we can deliver!”

We Say Why Not Get Involved And Visit The OTON X BETA Pages  to beta test the OTON X UI!

About EnGeniux
"Founded in 2012, the EnGeniux Project is focused on delivering autonomous game and software applications. The project was founded by 10-year technology entrepreneur, inventor, and game veteran Derrick Samuels"
Website: www.OTONX.com



☆Top Kickstarter Campaigns March 2014☆ @AmazuMedia @NevermindGame @StrawberrysGame #KickStarter #GamersUnite

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On March 3, 2014, Kickstarter passed $1 BILLION in Pledges!

This colossal amount was pledged by 5.7 million people to creative projects and in particular funded shed loads (official figure) of Video Games related projects!


We saw this as a good excuse to delve into the current Kickstarter listings and take a look at some of our favourite Video Games Campaigns that are being proposed…..


Oooooh have we got some treats for you lucky people!

Take A Look At These 5 Beauties Below……


"A hand-drawn adventure game about hope in the mysterious, organic world of the Shrugs. Ambient story, magic and animated music puzzles." 

GamesFreezer Says, 
"A Beautiful & Interesting Concept"  


"The acclaimed biofeedback horror adventure game that gets more challenging as you get scared, honing your ability to manage anxiety" 

Games Freezer Says,

"The Ultimate Scare Fest, It Knows When You Are Scared! 
How Cool Is That!!??!!" 

"Japanese adventure game set in steampunk London, created by Japanese and US game industry veterans in a rich 2.5D style" 

Games Freezer Says, 

"One of the guys behind Snatcher has a grand vision and we really would love his vision to come to fruition, take a look NOW!" 
(P.S. David Hayter is involved too!)  

"Koe is an introduction to the Japanese language in a game reminiscent of traditional JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Pokemon" 

Games Freezer Says, 

 "An amazing idea that mixes our favourite gameplay with learning Japanese! Awesome! 

"Help outcasts from Earth colonize an alien planet in this comic sci-fi sim game by veteran developers."

Games Freezer Says, 

"We are loving the idea of being able to programme your very own robots in game to make them do whatever you want!

These guys were involved in the Ratchet & Clank titles, so this is gonna be good!"

So There's 5 of The Coolest Video Games Kickstarter Campaigns In The Galaxy!

Which One Is Your Favourite?



♥My Love Affair With Fallout 3♥ #GamersUnite

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It's been 3 years since I battled for over 100 hours in the Wasteland....

3 years since I scavenged dead bodies for my next bottle cap...

3 years since I savoured the refreshing taste of Nuka Cola....

3 Years since I crept around a spooky old abandoned building in search of a Pip Boy Bobblehead!

For me Fallout 3 was video games perfection. 

The most open of open world gaming experiences where you made the experience your very own. 

Fallout 3 gave you the free reign to create your very own Wasteland story and as you trod carefully around this most hazardous of environments you really felt vulnerable and excited at what possibly lay round the next corner or down the hole or cave.

At that point in time it was like no other video game I had ever experienced a truly eye opening experience as to what was really possible in a video game environment.

Two experiences really stand out for me...

The first was my initial encounter with "Raiders"  ! For those that don't know, Raiders are vicious individuals who kill for the thrill of it and prey on others in groups of ruthless gangs. 

As I strolled around the wasteland as a new escapee from vault 101 I located an old deserted super market called "The Super Duper Mart".

The Super Duper Mart looked ripe for exploring and potentially scavenging some important supplies so I armed myself with my trusty rifle and entered the building.

Little did I know that it was overrun by Raiders who were about to show me no mercy! 

At this point in my journey through Fallout 3 I was a puny character with not much skill in anything except maybe picking locks!! 

So as I entered bullet hell that was The Raiders in full flow I wasn't giving myself much chance until I stumbled across V.A.T.S and a cache of grenades!

I think the thing that sticks in my mind the most was how amazingly cool the camera work was when I managed to dispose of one of the evil Raiders by blowing his head off with a grenade in slow mo! 

Now I don't usually go for extreme violence in video games but this seemed like the Raiders deserved their mind blowing fate as they were unrelenting in their pursuit of me........it was at this point that I realised Bethesda & Fallout 3 had got me.......I was in the Wasteland for the long haul!!

The other experience that really shaped my Wasteland experience was the side quest early in the game entitled THOSE!

A small boy called Bryan Wilks approached me in Grayditch and asked to help him find his father, who was trapped in the town infested with fire ants!

When I eventually found out that poor old Bryan's Dad was attacked and killed by Fire Ants it was time to try and exact revenge on those pesky creatures and as I entered the underground dwelling I realised exactly how puny I was as time after time after time the ants took me apart at will! 

It was a humbling experience that led me to understanding that The Wasteland is never forgiving and you have to earn your right to be good enough to stand up for yourself out there!

So after 3 years, why am I talking about two of my most memorable Fallout 3 experiences?

Well i'll tell you why.........

I'm about to re-enter the Fallout Universe in the form of "Fallout New Vegas"

It's been long enough and now it's time to give up another 100 hours of my life to one of the greatest games ever created........

Watch Out For My Tales From New Vegas As This Time I will Attempt To Document My Descent Into One Hell Of A Gaming World!

Let Us Know Your Favourite Fallout 3 Experience.....


What Was Your Favourite Part Of the Fallout Wasteland?


What Part Stays With You The Most?

Games Freezer


★Game Of The Day "STAR TREK TREXELS"★ @StarTrekTrexels #GamersUnite #RetroGaming #StarTrek #PixelArt #Pixel

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Give Us A Video Game Created Using Pixels In A RetroGaming Style And We Are In Our Element.....


Double That Up With It Being A Star Trek Game And Then Surely The Game Has To Be Perfect!!


Just Have A Look At The Cool Trailer Video For A Start!

The game sees you enlist in Starfleet and take command of your very own starship....

"The USS Valiant has been destroyed by an unknown attacker, and Starfleet has chosen YOU to continue its mission deep within a mysterious area of space known as the Trexelian Expanse."

The plot revolves around a temporal rift that has caused Starfleet enemies and allies to end up in an unexplored region of space.

In this cool game you will get the opportunity to build your starship, choose your very own crew, and explore the pixel galaxy!

The game is actually set within the original Star Trek universe and players will encounter many characters and locations from Star Trek....sounds cool doesn't it!

The game features narration by George Takei who played Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the USS Enterprise in the television series.

The game also features the original music from the TV series which really adds to the experience.

The game has taken inspiration from the original series and in particular the sense of exploration and adventure.

We really like the sound of how you can explore the Galaxy across a massive galactic map (reminds us of Mass effect)

 We have just downloaded this cool game and will let you know how we get on with it, but so far it's shaping up to be a right treat!

Have You Played This Cool Game Yet?

Let Us Know What You Think About It

Games Freezer, RetroGaming, Star Trek



★This Weeks Games Freezer Game Art Gallery★ @Hive_5 @videogame_art_ #Retrogaming #Gamersunite #Screenshotsaturday

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RetroGaming, Game Art

Another Massive Week In The World Of Twitter For COOL Video Game Art As Once Again We Were Treated To The Finest Examples That @Hive_5 and @videogame_art_ Had To Offer!

Whether It's Video Game Fan Art or Amazing RetroGaming ScreenShots, We Have It ALL!

So Kick Off Your Shoes , Sit Back And Take It All In As We Take You On A Tour Of This Weeks Gallery..........


See If You Can Guess The Games (as usual some are harder than others)


As You Know We Also Lost A Legendary Figure In The Form Of Harold Ramis.


This Led To Some Touching And Creative Art Tributes.....


Take A Look And Let Us Know Your Favourite.....



 Until Next Week......KEEP ON BUSTING!

RetroGaming, Game Art

Games Freezer Top Posts