Showing posts with label PS4 Diaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PS4 Diaries. Show all posts


☆ 2017 -The PS4 Diaries Part 21 "My Fallout 4 Snag List " ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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I started playing Fallout 4 back in October 2016 as I received it as a birthday present from my wife.

6 months later and I’m still playing this amazing game!

It’s a marvel of a game that keeps me exploring the vast world that Bethesda crafted so well.

I’m still stumbling across parts of the map that I am yet to discover and I have discovered 301 out of 326 available locations in the standard game with no DLC added.

As always though, if you spend this much time with any video game you begin to notice the room for improvement that much more.

I’m going to vent my main improvements that I would like to see and hopefully, you will let me know whether you agree with me and maybe suggest some more improvements.


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 20 "Fallout.....Fallout Never Changes" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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Saying that something never changes is not necessarily a slur or a derogatory remark against it and in this case, I'm happy to say it's a compliment. 


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 19 "Turn Based Combat Perfection" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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1. A video game that is beautiful

2. A video game that sounds mystical and fantastical

3. A video game that sweeps you away into a mystical world


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 18 "Half Max Is Better Than No Max" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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In my recent PS4 Diaries entry I spoke at length about my Life Is Strange experience and how it completely exceeded any expectations that I may have had going into it!

I forgot to mention a funny glitch that I encountered whilst trying to save Chloe in one of the most dramatic scenes in the video game....



☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 17 "Life Jim But Not As We Know It" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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Going into Life Is Strange I didn’t really know what to expect.

I’d been browsing the Playstation Store and came across the first episode for FREE.

I’d always thought that this game wouldn’t be for me. I’d imagined that it was some kind of teen drama aimed at well……..Teens...............

But I thought that I’d give the first episode a go as it was for Free.

I’d watched the trailer and fell in love with the music and art style that was being used to great effect in the game.


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 16 "My SOMA Journey Is Complete" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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SOMA was not the Video Game that I was expecting and that's a good thing......

As I have now officially completed my SOMA journey I am now qualified to tell you all how I feel about this brilliant video game.....


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 15 "The Deep Dark Dread That Is SOMA" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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SOMA is a game that I was introduced to when I listened to the Bombcast Game of The Year Episode in December 2015...

As soon as i heard the guys on Bombcast enthuse over this masterpiece I knew I needed to experience this game myself....


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 14 "My Virtual Journey Through Yaughton" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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So I finally got round to playing Everybody's Gone To The Rapture.

This is a game I knew i'd like immediately as it's thought provoking and quite emotional and those are the kind of games I tend to remember the most as they stick with me long after I have pushed the power button to OFF.


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 13 "My 100% Completion Obsession" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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My video games world has been dominated for the last month by a game that started out as a casual romp and ended up being an obsession to complete it 100%.....

That video game obsession for me was FAR CRY 4.....


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 12 "One Game That Was Never On My Radar" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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After finishing up with Hotline Miami on my beloved PS4 I was eager to carry on my run of video gaming goodness by picking up my next title to fill the void left by the mayhem of Hotline and it's brutality.

My usual route for video game decision making is to refer to my list of games on my iPhone that I want to buy. On that list I try to avoid the obvious titles such as Fallout 4 and go for the indie type titles that I can pick up and experience something slightly different with (my last two purchases have been Firewatch and Hotline Miami).


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 11 "One Tough Mudder" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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Hotline Miami has kept me entertained for the last few weeks and now I have completed this brilliant game I am left wondering how I went from bumbling bludgeoner to hard to kill hitman in a game that tested me every step of the way. 

This video game was tough to begin with and then proceeded to get tougher!


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 10 "Time To Call The Hotline" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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After a lengthy trawl of The Playstation Store and some in depth research I have finally found my next game on PS4.....

Last week I downloaded Hotline Miami and now I just can't get the game out of my head!


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 9 "My Firewatch Duties Have Ceased" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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I've just completed Firewatch on my PS4. 

I can safely say that it is a game that will stick with me for as long as I live.


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 8 "Watching Out For Fires" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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Image result for firewatch ps4
After my Uncharted Journey had finished I haven't wasted much time in taking on my next video gaming challenge on the PS4. 

That challenge involves sitting in a tower in a national park looking out for fires.


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 7 "PS4 Decision Time" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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A game that has been a part of my life for the last 3 months has now gone…..


Not for long…… Uncharted 4 is on its way very soon.

So, what’s my experience of the Uncharted collection so far and what shall I play next?


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 6 "The Uncharted Marathon Continues" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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So the momentum continues with my Uncharted journey as I have recently completed Uncharted 2 and moved immediately onto Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception.

I have to say that the pace and the enjoyment has never let up from the moment I started playing the PS4 Drake Collection.


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 5 "Halfway Through My Uncharted Journey" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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As a late comer to the Uncharted series my voyage of Uncharted Discovery has been so much fun!

The Uncharted collection that came with my beautiful PS4 has been the source of so much enjoyment already as I have battled my way through Uncharted : Drake’s Fortune and I’m now halfway through Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 4 "My Return To Ravenholm Moment" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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For me Ravenholm in Half Life 2 is one of the pinnacles in video gaming from the last 30 years.

The level typifies the classy way that Half Life 2 was constructed and implemented.

There was tension, there was terror and there was the Gravity Gun and some handy buzzsaw blades.


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 3 "Me,Myself & My PS4 Cam" ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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In doing the Games Freezer website for the last 3 years I have always wanted to branch out to doing Games Freezer YouTube videos.

I’ve always had lots of ideas of where I could take it but never really had the time to do the videos and the website.

Now I’ve got my PS4 it feels like I have the opportunity to finally do what I’ve always wanted to do.


☆ 2016 -The PS4 Diaries Part 1 ☆ #PS4 #GamersUnite

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A New Year and a new video game console for me to sink my teeth into.

I am now the proud owner of a PS4 after unexpectedly receiving one as a Christmas Present....

Now I am in possession of this video games leviathan, just what do I have planned for it?

Let's have a look shall we.......

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