
☆Pang Man's Retrogaming Reminisce - Part 2 "Super Play"☆ @Kosmikat #RetroGaming #Gamersunite

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Super Play Magazine, RetroGaming, SNES

The Awesome Super Play

Pang Man continues to look back at the great Video Games Magazines of the day from the 90's.

In Part 1 we heard all about Pang Man's Love for the iconic Mean Machines Magazine.

Now we pick up with him again for Part 2 and a closer look at the almighty Super Play Magazine.

"Over the years there have been many great gaming magazines.
CVG was one of my favourites in the 90s, whilst I think of the more modern day magazines –Edge is a great read. (Although I did balk at the £5 price!! when it first came out, compared to £3 for its rivals).
However, for a while there was only one magazine that was so unbelievably good , that I would re-read it multiple times. 
That magazine was called Mean Machines and after it stopped publication, I was genuinely sad.
However, in November 1992, a contender to the crown was born.  
I remember looking at the magazines in the local newsagents in Enfield Town before school and one magazine caught my eye (and not the top shelf kind!) 
It had a Japanese looking logo and some cool Anime style characters on the cover. 
It was called “Super Play”
Super Play was a monthly gaming magazine dedicated to the Super Famicom (a.k.a. Super Nintendo). 
At a mere £1.95 it was a bargain. A fantastic read, with a cool design and great reviews. Like Mean Machines it covered imported games yet to be released in the UK/US.
Super Play, Anime World

The Cool Anime World

For me though the best thing about Super Play was its promotion of anime and RPGs.
“Anime World” - a monthly article written by “Helen McCarthy” (a foremost anime expert), helped me to develop my interest in anime and opened my eyes to shows such as "3 x 3 Eyes" and "Bubblegum Crisis"
Live from Hell City, Super Play


A monthly article called “Live from Hell City” written by a British guy living in Tokyo –gave readers a fascinating insight into Japanese culture and gaming. 
Fantasy Quest, Super Play

Fantasy Quest

Whilst through, “Fantasy Quest”, readers could wet their appetite for the amazing RPGs, just released in the Land of the Rising Sun (e.g. Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest etc)
I must also give a huge shout out to Will Overton who drew the cover illustrations. 
The magazine covers were always hand drawn in an amazing manga style –in fact they were so good –I would have happily bought prints of them to display.
Super Play, Envelope Art

Superb Envelope Art

Super Play also encouraged its readers to send in their artwork –the best entries were then published in a section called “Envelope Art”. 
Some of these entries were of a fantastic standard and still hold up well even today.
Super Play ran until 1996, around the time the N64 superseded the Super Nintendo. 
The writing staff went on to publish N64 Magazine - which again sadly failed to maintain the charm of the original publication.

Was it better than Mean Machines?  

Well I wouldn’t like to choose a favourite but I would say that for me, alongside Mean Machines, Super Play was and still is the best gaming magazine of the 16bit era."
Pang Man

Pang Man has had his say, so now it's over to you....


Super Play vs. Mean Machines - Who was the greatest?  

"Pang Man Reporting From The Freezer"
 Games Freezer, Retrogaming


☆Gamers TV Of The Day - "Gameswipe" & "Get Lamp"☆ #GamersUnite #RetroGaming

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Inspired by the recent documentary on Channel 4 called "How Video Games Changed The World" we set out to start seeking out some more cool Video Games related documentaries.

So first up this week we have these two beauties!

VideoGames, RetroGaming

Charlie Brookers - Gameswipe

Another amusing look at Video Games from Charlie Brooker

We like the way that Charlie approaches the subject with humour as he goes about looking at the various genres, how they have changed over the years

It has some really good interviews with comedian Dara O'Briain, along with sitcom writer Graham Linehan and Rab and Ryan from Consolevania.

In this cool documentary type show Brooker talks video games in the same style as Screenwipe.

We like Charlie's style and this is a great video, watch it today for a good chuckle and some interesting and engaging video games views.

 Get Lamp

Get Lamp is a documentary that looks to tell the story of the creation of the text adventure games of yesteryear and more importantly those words are from the people that created them.

We love the text adventure genre and this is a great homage to the wonderful world of the text adventure.

Both of these cool documentaries are on Top Documentary Films.com which is our new fave site for some really cool documentary finds!

Give it a search to see what cool stuff you can find, in the meantime we'll keep searching on your behalf!

Let us know what you think of these two documentaries?


What are your fave gaming TV moments or shows?

Games Freezer, RetroGaming, Video Games


☆Pang Man's RetroGaming Reminisce - Part 1 "Mean Machines"☆ @JazRignall #RetroGaming #GamersUnite

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Mean Machines, RetroGaming, UN Squadron, Videogames

The Sacred Mean Machines Magazine...

The Newest member of the Games Freezer Family has joined the team to impart some of his 30 years of Video Gaming knowledge and experience.

Please give a COOL Freezer welcome to "Pang Man"

So, who is this Pang Man you speak of?

Well, Pang Man grew up playing Super Nintendo and reading some of the finest video gaming publications of the 90's.

Over the years he has built up an extensive gaming knowledge from the consoles of yesteryear.

Pang Man was an early adopter of the import game scene in the 90's and owned one of those cool Universal game adapters for his beloved SNES.

Over the next few weeks, he will be looking back at some of the greatest video gaming magazines of the 90's, so sit back, relax and soak up the retrogaming goodness


☆Game Of TheDay "SewerTea"☆ @SewerTea #GamersUnite #RetroGaming #GameDev

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You all know that we are suckers for any games that utilise pixels in the retro style, you could say that we are a slave to the pixel!

Well this game ticks all our boxes and makes us all a quiver with excitement!

Sewer Tea is a pixel adventure being worked on by kuznetsovsky that takes place in a fictional universe where Earth is now controlled by an extraterrestrial group called The Milenarians.

In the game a group has been created by the Milenarian Rebels who oppose the government beliefs. 

The rebel group have taken over an underground facility and now they have released a virus known as 

"Sewer Tea. City #00829" the virus has mutated most of the inhabitants which has turned them into an army of mutants which will need to be battled!

Sewer Tea's gameplay will see you walk into a survival rampage against dozens of different enemies throughout a retro Pixelated GameBoy-esque World!


You are cast on a quest to save mankind from the chemical threat that has originated from the underground laboratory.

The Government of the Milenarians have drafted you to the quarantined zone to find and secure the lead scientist involved in the creation of Sewer Tea

You get to Fight your way deeper into the crazy Gameboy-like randomly generated worlds as the story develops

For any questions regarding Sewer Tea, you should get in contact via email: pimpus.kuznetsowski@gmail.com

In the meantime check out the Steam Page HERE>>>>>>>>
The You Tube Trailer HERE >>>>>>>>   

Take A Peek At The Indie DB Page For Kuznetsovsky HERE>>>>>>>>>
Then finally, feast your eyes on the Indie DB Sewer Tea Page HERE>>>>>>>>>


What do you reckon? 

Is Sewer Tea getting your RetroGaming juices flowing? 

(It's sure making us get a melt on)


Games Freezer, RetroGaming



☆Super Mario FULL SCREEN - "The Takedown"☆ #RetroGaming #GamersUnite #Share

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A Spot Of Mario Anyone?

A while back we read about the Full Screen Mario Website and have been meaning to visit it since November.

Full-Screen Mario In All Its Glory!

Today we finally got around to visiting it for a quick go on Super Mario.....But it's been taken down!!

We were too slow and it has cost us the chance to play this cool remake of the most famous Mario game of all time...

So what was Full Screen Mario all about then?

The website allowed anyone to play an open-source HTML5 remake of Nintendo’s 1985 Super Mario Bros

The Full Screen Mario version contained the following Cool Features:
  • The Original 32 levels
  • A Random Map Generator 
  • A Level editor
How cool was that!!??

Unfortunately, this was deemed to be in violation of Nintendo’s copyrights and trademarks.

The Takedown notice does mention the following though:

"Full-Screen Mario was enjoyed by nearly 2.7 million unique visitors during almost a month of popularity, across 6 continents and dozens of languages."

The Game Dev "Josh" goes on to say,

"I’m glad so many people got to enjoy the game and look forward to working on new and exciting (and legal) projects" 

It's also interesting to note that this project was inspired by Aleph One which is the Open Source version of First Person Shooter Marathon 

We'll be downloading Marathon soon and seeing what it's all about as we have never played it before...

In Summary, we went out to play a bit of Super Mario Bros and ended up learning a whole load of a cool project that we missed out on...

As The Freezer Always Says, "You lives and You Learns" 

(I'm not sure why it says this but it just does)

Were You One Of Those 2.7m Players Who Played Full-Screen Mario? 

Video Games, RetroGaming



☆Air Supply Infinite Full Review☆ @Quantum Sheep #GameDev #GamersUnite #Share

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A few months ago we came across some really interesting screen shots from Quantum Sheep who were working on their update of the original Air Supply game.

What caught our attention immediately was the cool retro visuals that were utilised to outstanding effect within the screen shots that we were looking at.

We L♡VE a good re-tweet and immediately let our army of ☆Freezer Followers☆ know all about this cool game that we had discovered.

Not long after this, our black and white retrogaming bromance began as the  C☆☆L dudes at Quantum Sheep asked if ☆The Freezer☆ would like to make his videogames debut by making a cameo appearance within the Air Supply Infinite game.

Now The Freezer is a cool customer as we all know, but even The Freezer got a "melt on" at the thought of making it's video games debut!

So, what's the game like? 

How did The Games Freezer get on with the in game cameo?

All these questions will be answered below!!

Air Supply Infinite - The Review...

You play Sam the Space Man. 

Sam has got to run round each planet he visits whilst jumping over aliens and also stocking up on his dwindling Air Supply. 

Sam has a limited stock of Smart Bombs which allow him to clear the screen of aliens and also give him an O2 boost when used 
<Use Wisely>

Sam also gets the opportunity to collect many other power ups on his epic journey to try and locate the Infinity Cups! <Including The Games Freezer>

Along the way Sam has also got to avoid the Alien Tractor beams which stop him dead in his tracks leaving him vulnerable.....

The game itself moves at a blistering pace as Sam storms round each planet at breakneck speeds all the while trying to jump <Double Tap> over the pursuing Aliens.

Once you get started on this different flavoured runner game, you will find the one more go syndrome really kicking in a treat!

At first you think that this is going to be a stroll in the park, but the challenge of trying to continue until you get that Infinity Cup is truly a tough one!

We downloaded it onto the iPhone 5C and the gorgeous Retro Visuals looked stunning. We are big fans of the retro gaming look and this game captures that feel perfectly.

The Quantum Sheep team have pulled these visuals off a treat.

We love the array of power ups and variants as you go through the game and of course we adored the Games Freezer Power Up which Freezes the pursuing alien dude to the spot leaving you to collect the other power ups as they fall from the sky. 

We think that The Freezer is a star in the making after this appearance ;)

When you begin the game, it recommends that you plug your earphones in to truly appreciate the cool music and boy is it cool! 
If you like your Music retrogaming style then you will love the retro soundtrack by Yerzmyey, composed on 8bit ZX Spectrum!
Plug those earphones and get playing as you while away the next few hours trying to beat your last Air Run!

Overall, we had so much fun trying to beat our last run. We are not normally drawn to the runner genre but this looks and feels different from almost all runners we have played previously. The feeling of speed and the retro music really add to the cool arcade vibe. We'd love to play this great game on a big screen with that great soundtrack BOOMING OUT!

All we can say is get to the App Store and check it out for yourself and whilst you are there look out for The Games Freezer when it drops from the sky!! 

Meanwhile, The Freezer has started to sign autographs using it's plug lead......spooky!


9 Ice Cubes Out Of Ten - This Is One COOL Runner!

Games Freezer, Video Games, Retrogaming



☆The Games Freezer Top 5 Greatest Video Games Accomplishments Ever☆ #GamersUnite #RetroGaming

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In the days before XBOX & Playstation Achievements / Trophies you were judged on a certain Holy Grail Of Gaming Pecking Order.


Your prowess was judged by a number of games you had completed or particular Video Games related moves that you were able to accomplish.


We have taken a look back at our TOP 5 Toughest Video Games Accomplishments in order to show you what we think were our crowning glories over the past 30+ Years!


This should be interesting!


Where shall we start?

The Beginning Of A Very Long Video Gaming Journey!
This game is notoriously spiteful as it sends you back to the start of the game after you complete it for the first time!
You are then tasked with working all the back through the game in order to complete it.
This game was great BUT this really got our back up, instead of getting MAD we got EVEN!

Super Ghouls N Ghosts - BEATEN!

What A Beauty!
Half Life is considered to be one of the games of a generation, a real video game changer, it set up the almost flawless Half Life 2 and gave birth to the most anticipated 3rd instalment since Dr Dre promised the follow up to 2001!
The one thing that really kicks you in the nether regions with this game though, is the fact that Gonarch is one tough mudder!
We mean, to the point where you are using so much ammo that you are not even sure if it is actually dealing it any damage or not.....it's a worrying state of affairs and it's guaranteed to ensure that you will play this horrible headcrab sack on multiple occasions over a number of sittings before finally watching it explode........the day you do this is a day you will never forget!
Gonarch - BEATEN!

"Hit any button 13 times while rotating the D-Pad clockwise, on the 13th tap hold down the button until tipoff"
This doesn't sound like such an accomplishment does it?
Well think again, this cheat would shred a novices thumb if done incorrectly.....
Also it had to be done in the short time you had between choosing your teams and for the match to begin!
So tough was it that we only knew one guy who could achieve this amazing feat and he could do this on both joy pads in order that both players could enjoy the luxury that was Super Dunks from the Half Way Line!!
This cheat was so much better than the BIG HEADS cheat as it almost made it a different game completely, so much fun - NBA JAM WE LOVE YOU!
SUPER DUNKS CHEAT - BEATEN! (With A Little Help From Our Friends)
Platform Games have this habit of keeping you stuck on one particular tricky section for hours, days and sometimes even weeks.
The whole point of this accomplishment was to discover the secret exit on Cheese Bridge Area C
But BOY was this a toughie! The amount of times that this level had to be replayed in order to complete this part of the game fully was just immense. OVER and OVER and OVER again just to be rewarded with another level in the endless quest to find all 99 Levels!
So, how were you meant to complete Cheese Bridge Area C via The Secret Exit?
Well read on as we take an excerpt from HERE 
"Cheese Bridge Area (C)
To get this, get to the very end of the level as either 1) Caped Mario or 2) Mario and Yoshi. 
Below I have explanations for getting to the secret exit as numbered. The secret exit is behind the goal gate, and you have to go under the regular one to reach the secret one. These are strategies to do just that, listed in order of difficulty (lower the number, greater the difficulty).
1) This is incredibly hard to do. If you are Caped Mario only without Yoshi, you're going to have to find a good place to start flying from. It is my experience that the long wooden bridge before the yellow pipe is the best place to do this. Now, fly forward and take a dive as you see the goal gate. You must go under it and then pull up at the last second to go right past it. Easier said than done, huh? Good luck with that.
2) First off, getting there with Yoshi is rather difficult. When you reach the yellow pipe in the normal guide, go back a bit to the long bridge. Now run forward and take off flying. As you come down, Yoshi will have to bounce on chainsaws in the air to land on the platform to the right. Now, when you reach the goal gate, jump forward to get under it and then jump off of Yoshi when you are under it and to the right. You will land on stable land past the goal gate. Too bad Yoshi had to make the ultimate sacrifice, though.
Pick one of these strategies to get past the normal goal gate. From there, go right and jump to a platform with a 3-Up Moon on it. Then jump through the tape of the secret goal gate to the right."
The chosen method to beat this was using our good old friend Yoshi, the moment that Yoshi made the sacrifice and Mario popped up under the GOAL GATE was indescribable .... a video gaming moment to cherish forever!
Super Mario World - Cheese Bridge Area C "Secret Exit" - BEATEN!
Don't be fooled by his Santa Beard and his barely alive looks, this guy is super tough!
Metal Gear fans talk of Psycho Mantis being tough to beat but "The End" is in a different league, this guy is so tough that you might not even see him for 20 minutes at a time, but BOY can he see you and every move you make he will punish you!
Trying to beat him had us tearing our hair out for weeks on end.
It just felt impossible. We couldn't even land a shot on him. It just felt like the game was saying
Little did we know that yes we would eventually defeat "The End" but maybe not in the way that we had thought was possible........
Yes, that's right we didn't actually land the last shot into "The End" to bring about the end of him.....no we actually took soooo long ...... he errrrrr DIED OF OLD AGE!!!
Yes that's right, the old fella got fed up with waiting for us and pegged it, snuffed it, kicked the bucket!
Hideo Kojima and his team were so clued up that they realised that maybe us mere mortals might not be good enough to defeat this dude and after 1 week of play, if you havn't defeated him you get greeted with "The End Dies Of Old Age" sequence....
We stumbled across this due to our ineptitude but there is also a way of tricking the save game into thinking a weeke has passed by saving and then forwarding your PS2 on by a week (BUT THAT'S CHEATING!)
Anyway, our number 1 accomplishment is a bitter sweet one.
It was purely a moment of relief that we'd never have to play this old fella again!
"THE END" - BEATEN (By Old Age!)


Now that we've shared our Top 5 Greatest Video Games Accomplishments, why don't you share the love and let us know yours?



☆Game Of The Day "The Narrow Path"☆ @BeavlGames #GamersUnite #Pixel

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The Narrow Path, Beavl Games

Dark Pixel Art Style, Zombies, A mutant dog and a Breaking Bad style camper van......what more do you need in a game?!

It's a winning formula that sets Narrow Path apart from any game we've ever played.

In fact we think that there's a part in this game for a scary old GAMES FREEZER!!! 

There's something sick and disturbing about the premise of this game and I think that's what has drawn us in, it matches our personalities here inside this cold hole of a freezer....

So what's the low-down on this funky, freaky, mash up monster of a game we hear all of you zombie loving maniacs ask?

Well, get a load of this straight from the horses mouth........

There is a raging War between good ol' humans and zombies

The thing is YOU want both sides dead so as to start the world over and repopulate planet Earth by impregnating the three Swanson Sisters you kidnapped! Pretty Grim eh!?

Basically ... "The Narrow Path is a roguelike-RTS with a motorhome, a mutant dog and an army of reanimated monsters."

How was this mutant of a game born?

Well, Beavl Games entered the ALL OUT WAR WALKING DEAD GAMES JAM 2013 and won a place in the final with this beauty!  

We think you all need to play it HERE 

Then you all need to vote for it on Steam Green Light HERE 

This game needs to be played because we just love the way it's visuals take you back to a time before HD graphics when just a games atmosphere and soundtrack could make your skin crawl....it's a simple concept with a disturbing back story....and as you can tell we are smitten by this two week wonder!

For some super cool insight into how and why this cracking game was made head HERE for the POSTMORTEM!

We will have a more in depth Review coming your way once we can drag ourselves away from our browser!

Once you've finished creating your own Zombie horde, let us know what you think of this COOL Creation....

Games Freezer, Video Games, RetroGaming



☆The C☆☆LEST Crowdfunding Projects In The World Right Now!☆ #GamersUnite #RetroGaming

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One of the best ways to spend a Sunday evening for us is to trawl the crowd funding websites to find the most exciting Video Games Projects around, so that's what we've done and presented them in a lovely Games Freezer Post for your consumption, don't say we don't look after The Friends Of The Freezer....

So what's first up I here you say!


Just watch the trailer and tell us you don't immediately fall in love with this game, go on WE DARE YOU!







How will you get Rita home safely after a plane crash sees her end up with a whole host of survivors in the middle of nowhere?! 
A puzzle game with a beautiful art style and multiple outcomes gets our vote! Check this bad boy out with echoes of our most favourite TV Series ever (LOST)






Hands up who remembers the original WINGS on the AMIGA? 
We sure do! What can be better than some good old arcade dog fighting World War I action?! "Rat A Tat Tat Tat!"




This is a CORKER of a project!

A collection of SEGA Megadrive related material from all over the Video Games World

This project has had no trouble in reaching it's goal as it sets out to document the all time classic system The SEGA Megadrive / Genesis. 

The book itself is officially licensed by SEGA and is looking to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the console’s release in style!

The book will include production artwork, interviews, development sketches, hardware manufacturing plans and so much MORE!

Get involved with this one while you can. 

Games Freezer


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